
Thermodynamics of Materials (MLL 702)- PG Course (July-Nov 2019)


Fundamentals of thermodynamics in Materials Engineering, Review of thermodynamics functions, Zeroth law of thermodynamics, concept of temperature. First, second and third laws, Maxwell relation, Free energy, stability equilibrium in unary system, solution models, Raoult’s law, chemical potential, phase diagram, eutectic and peritectic diagram, concept of phase transformation.

Phase Transformation (MLL 713)- PG Course (Jan- Aug 2020)


Equilibrium, Single component system: Gibbs Free energy as a function of temperature, ideal solutions, chemical potential, regular solutions, activity; Equilibrium in heterogeneous systems: Binary phase diagrams, systems with miscibility gap, spinodal decomposition, order to disorder transformation, Diffusion: Atomistic mechanism, interstitial and substitutional diffusion, steady state and non steady state (Fick’s Law), Kirkendall effect, lattice and grain boundary diffusion, mobility; crystal interfaces and microstructure, interfacial energy, Ostwald ripening, solid/vapor interfaces; Solidification: nucleation and growth in pure metals, the effect of temperature on solid solubility; Eutectic and eutectoid transformations; Precipitation hardening; the kinetics of phase transformations; TTT diagram of steel, shape memory diagram, phase diagram of ceramic system (Al2O3-SiO2).

Introduction to Materials Science (APL102)- UG (Sep 2020- Jan 2021 ) and (Feb -May 2021)

No. of Students Credited: 380 (Odd Sem) and 160 (Even Sem)


Structure of Solids: atomic and inter-atomic bonding, crystal structure and imperfection in solids. Properties of Materials: Mechanical, chemical, electrical and magnetic properties of metals, ceramics and polymers. Processing of Materials: Thermodynamics basics, Phase diagrams and phase transformation of metallic systems, fabrication and processing of metals, polymers and ceramics. Performance of materials: Creep, fatigue, failure and corrosion of metals, ceramics (including cement and concrete), polymers, and composites (including fiber reinforced structure, sandwich panels, and wood). Selection of Material: selection of materials for various applications, materials selection charges, CSE software, Example case studies such as materials for large astronomical telescopes, springs, flywheels, safe pressure vessels and reactors. Laboratory: The behavior of different type of materials (e.g. metals, ceramics, composites, polymers) will be studied through carefully designed experiments. The fundamentals of structure and properties of various materials will be communicated through hands on experiments and model demonstration.

Introduction to Thermodynamics of Materials (MLL103)- UG (Aug 2021-Dec 2021)


Concept of state and equilibrium. Heat, work, temperature. System and surrounding. Extensive and Intensive properties. Zeroth law. Ideal gas, reversible and irreversible processes. Adiabatic process. First law of thermodynamics and internal energy. Constant pressure process and enthalpy. Applications of the first law. Specific heat at constant temperature and pressure. Thermochemistry. Second law of thermodynamics: Kelvin-Planck and Clausisus statements and their equivalence. Entropy. Carnot cycle. Combined statement of first and second laws. Statistical interpretation of entropy, entropy and disorder. Microstate and macrostate. Configurational and thermal entropy. Auxiliary functions: Helmholtz free energy, Gibbs free energy, Chemical potential. Various thermodynamic partial derivatives and their relations. Maxwell’s relations, Gibbs-Helmholtz equations. Third law of thermodynamics. Phase equilibria in one-component systems: variation of Gibbs free energy with temperature and pressure, Clausius-Clapeyron equation, P-T diagram. Thermodynamics of solutions: Raoult’s and Henry’s Law, activity of a component. Ideal solution. Gibbs-Duhem equation and its application. Non-ideal solutions: Regular solutions. Sievert’s Law, activity and alternative standard states, dilute solutions and interaction parameters. Equilibrium constant, Reaction equilibria for (a) homogeneous reactions consisting of gas mixtures, (b) heterogeneous reactions consisting of condensed phases and gas mixtures, Ellingham Diagram.

Phase Equilibria and Transformation (MLL 204)- UG (Jan 2022-Apr 2022)


Equilibrium, Phase rule, Single and multicomponent system: Gibbs Free energy as a function of temperature, ideal solutions, chemical potential, regular solutions, activity; Equilibrium in heterogeneous systems: Binary phase diagrams, systems with miscibility gap, ordered alloys, the effect of temperature on solid solubility, the kinetics of phase transformations; TTT diagram of steel, shape memory diagram, phase diagram of ceramic system (Al2O3-SiO2) and MgO-Al2O3. Ternary phase diagram, Diffusion: Atomistic mechanism, interstitial diffusions, steady state and non-steady state (Fick’s Law), spinodal decomposition, crystal interfaces and microstructure, interfacial energy, solid/vapor interfaces; Solidification: nucleation and growth in pure metals.