The PHYSEO and PIXORIZE updates are on their respective websites (Physeo is under Preclinical dashboard and Pixorize is under ). If you already have Physeo or Pixorize included, be sure to protect the respective field for this update. The SKETCHY update is in this deck. Discounts can be found at

In the step 2 deck there is a !DELETE tag. Delete these cards right away (unless you've already been studying them). Flag all cards with !POTENTIAL_DUPLICATE and try to use step 1 cards instead of these if possible (we'll work on merging them in future updates)

Anking Deck Free Download

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We REALLY need help to tag the deck by high/medium/low yield. With Step 1 going P/F, this would be a valuable resource, but it is a fairly large project. We want to finish it for V12. We will also be working on updating B&B Step 2 and all the new Sketchy content for Step 1 & 2

*These decks are intended to be used with your purchase of First Aid and Costanzo physiology as well as a subscription to UWorld, Pathoma, Sketchy and Boards and Beyond and any other resource used in them. We take no responsibility for your use of any materials or images*

Recently downloaded anki v2.1.64 Qt6 and purchased an ankihub subscription, subscribed to anking deck and tried syncing, the only thing that shows up (first image) is an auscultation deck, despite all the cards showing in the browse category. Maybe a newbie problem but i have no idea how to access other cards, or even select which decks/subdecks I want to study.

I am having an issue with some of the media displaying on my anki deck (I recently updated to v12 following the instructions on ankihub). Some of the images are not showing up, such as the images in the extra section or for FA, or only half of it displays (as shown in the attached images. What do I do in this case?

I have done a fully sync with ankihub and updated the anking note type to try and fix (these solutions were given to me by the anking members i asked via email using my anking platinum membership) it but nothing worked. They told me to post the problem here. I have already tried using the Ankihub forum but they said this is an issue that needs to be addressed with AnkiHub. I have tried everything on my end. Please let me know what I can do.

No, I meant to temporarily create the 2nd profile in Anki and import the original v12 deck (and/with media), run Tools > Check Media and review a few cards with images, to make sure that the deck contains all the images and they display correctly.

At first, go to the main Anki profile, export your updated deck with scheduling but without media, go to the 2nd profile, remove the original deck and import your deck with scheduling, then run Tools > Check Media. If it reports a few missing and unused files, find them in the folder and rename them using the missing filename with the same prefix. Then run Tools > Check Media. It should report no missing files. If unused media was also reported, remove it. After that you can safely copy the folder from the 2nd profile to the main Anki profile and overwrite any duplicates. Alternatively, you can export your fixed deck with scheduling and media included from the 2nd profile, switch to the main profile, remove the deck and import the exported version from the 2nd profile.

My question is therefore - what is the current workaround to prevent syncing conflicts should someone have two AnkiHub deck subscriptions with the same card in both decks - say both with my deck and the AnKing deck whereby both AnkiHub decks have the same cards with the same AnkiHub ID?

The AnkiHub note that will be synced depends on the order in which the user subscribes to the decks with duplicate notes. However, the note will be updated in place (whichever deck it is already located in). So if someone is subscribed to the AnKing Overhaul deck and then they subscribe to yours, AnkiHub will skip the duplicates from your deck.

Of course! Just to clarify, this is a premade deck from another med student at my school; however, they used the Anking cloze type cards. This problem only occurs on the iOS version of anki and not on the computer.

These decks are intended to be used with your purchase of any resource used in them. We take no responsibility for your use of any materials or images that are not legally obtained and strongly encourage you purchase all the materials associated with the deck you use.

Currently using anki to keep up with step 1 material but after synching to anki hub about ~175 cards were added, none of which were related to the cards I had recently suspended. After some digging, I realized all of these cards had the following tag in common: #AK_Other::New_Cards::2023 (most of these are for step 2). Can someone explain why these cards were automatically added to my deck and how I can stop this in the future? Thanks!

So what I would do the day before I go into the anatomy lab, or, in dire times, two/three days before my practical exam, is search through the Michigan deck for these structures, unsuspend those cards, and learn them.

How I would use it is after we learned something in an anatomy lecture or the anatomy lab I would scroll through this deck until I found the relevant content and unsuspend and learn those cards. Sort by date created as they are created in a logical order.

So how would I use all of this together? In an ideal world, before the cadaver lab, I would learn all of the structures from the Michigan Anki deck and learn all the rest of the information about these structures from AnKing and the 100 Concepts deck. Then, come exam time, I have been reviewing continuously with the Anki algorithm anyway so I know this information.

Hi there! With decks as large as Anking you probably will need to run sync quite a few times before all the media will be in sync, it can take a few but it gets closer each time since it picks up syncing media files from where it left off.

AnKing is an all-encompassing Anki-based flashcard platform designed specifically for medical students preparing for the USMLE exams. Anki is a popular, open-source flashcard software that utilizes spaced repetition to optimize learning and retention. AnKing takes the foundation of Anki and builds upon it, tailoring the experience for medical students with features, resources, and pre-made flashcard decks that align with the USMLE curriculum.

One of the biggest advantages of AnKing is the availability of pre-made USMLE flashcard decks. These decks have been carefully curated by medical students and professionals and are designed to cover all the essential topics for the USMLE exams. To make the most of these decks:

AnKing periodically releases updates to their deck, which may include new cards, updated information, or improved formatting. It is a good idea to update your AnKing deck whenever a new version is released to ensure you have access to the most accurate and up-to-date information. Be sure to follow the instructions provided by AnKing to update your deck without losing any personal progress or modifications.

(1) The import itself took a really long! time and crashed the desktop app

(2) Once imported, load times for the deck content to appear exceeded 15min

(3) Once the content appeared, it was illegible and clearly did not carry over properly. Photo attached.

(4) Tried to delete the deck because it keeps crashing the app but it crashes before this can even happen - unable to use the app at all now!

I recently tried to play around with the Anki import function, and had a lot of the same issues. I tried importing about 500 cards from the AnKing Step1/Step2 deck (the deck itself is massive with +20,000 cards, and knowing that remnote cannot support that large of an import, I tried to import a relatively small portion of cards). It took an extremely long time, the desktop app crashed on me a few times until I decreased the number of cards I was trying to import (I originally tried to import about 2000 cards, and ended up only importing ~500)

Some of the following decks are found on Reddit. The main reason for this is that it is the biggest Medical School Anki community on the planet and is where students from around the world get together and have great banter about Anki.

Nearly every med student in the US has heard of, used, and/or knows someone who uses Anki. Many have used premade decks like AnKing, Zanki, Brosencephalon, SLy FAux, lolnotacop, or other versions floating around the interwebs. These premade flashcards with AnKing promise to make studying faster by showing you what you should learn and providing the means to retain it.

When you study a regular deck in Anki, only a limited number of cardsare shown: the cards Anki thinks you are about to forget, and a dailylimit of new cards. This is generally useful, as it ensures you don'tspend more time studying than necessary. But sometimes it can be usefulto step outside of these normal limits, such as when you need to reviewfor a test, focus on particular material, and so on. To make thispossible, Anki provides a different type of deck called a 'filtereddeck'.

Filtered decks offer a lot of possibilities. They can be used forpreviewing cards, cramming cards before a test, studying particulartags, catching up on a backlog with a particular sort order, reviewingahead of schedule, going over the day's failed cards, and more.

The easiest way to create a filtered deck is with the Custom Studybutton, which appears at the bottom of the screen when you click on adeck. It offers some convenient preset filters for common tasks like reviewingthe cards that you have failed that day. It will create a filtered deck called"Custom Study Session" and automatically open it for you.

Increase today's new card limit

Add more new cards to the deck you are currently studying. Note thatunlike other options, this does 'not' create a new filtered deck, itmodifies the existing deck.

Increase today's review card limit

If not all reviews due today were shown because of the daily review limit,this option allows you to show more of them. As with the new cardsoption, this modifies the existing deck. 006ab0faaa

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