Academic Activities

number of weekly hours spent are outlined below.

TA work in own institute

1. SocialNLP TA, IIT Kharagpur (2023 Spring)

◦ Weekly 6-7 hours.

◦ Preparations and grading of weekly lab assignments.

◦ Coding and theory tutorials.

◦ Class test grading.

2. Program and Data Structure (2022 Autumn)

◦ Weekly 6-7 hours.

◦ Preparations and grading of weekly lab assignments.

◦ Coding and theory tutorials.

◦ Class test grading.

3. Social Computing TA, IIT Kharagpur (2021 Autumn)

◦ Weekly 6-7 hours.

◦ Preparations and grading of weekly lab assignments.

◦ Coding and theory tutorials.

◦ Class test grading.

4. Information Retrieval TA, IIT Kharagpur (2022 Spring)

◦ Weekly 6-7 hours.

◦ Mentoring students for projects.

◦ Shared task design and grading.

◦ Class test grading.

TA work in NPTEL/Other online course

1. Natural Language Processing, NPTEL (From 2022 April to October 2022) [Regular NPTEL TA and PMRF NPTEL TA in NLP (CS98 NOC 22)]

◦ Weekly 5-6 hours.

◦ Assignment Design.

◦ New Problem Formulations.

Doubt Clearing

◦ Taking Weekly Online Classes 

TA work in other activities (project guidance/ workshop/creating online material etc.)

1. Mentoring Students for Projects in IIT Kharagpur

◦ Project Guidance of BTP (BTech Term Project)/ MTP (Mtech Term Project) students in their Final Year Project (1 Year Duration). [2-3 hours weekly for 1 year]. Research Outcomes: 2 + 1 papers. [Both 2021 and 2022]

◦ Project Guidance of Summer (May-July 2021 and May-July 2022) intern students. [1-2 hours weekly]. Research Outcomes: 1+1 Paper.

◦ Project Guidance of Winter (November-December 2021 + November-December 2022) intern students. [1-2 hours weekly]

2. Mentoring Students for NLP research in MUST Research Group (Non-profit) (

◦ Weekly 1-2 hours

Earlier TA Duties in IIT Kharagpur:

1.  Teaching Assistantship: (All in IIT Kharagpur Computer Science and Engineering Department)

Other Works:

2. Mentoring Junior Students (BTP, MTP, Masters) and Subjective Term Projects. 

3. Reviewed Papers in conferences and Journals - HRI, ICON, HICSS, LREC, SDU@AAAI, ICIS, TCSS, ACS