
Why tournaments

After the students learn how to complete a chess match by checkmating the opponent and after learning the basic strategies of chess play; they should be motivated to go for tournaments. Tournaments will help to all level of chess players, irrespective of whether they are Beginners, Intermediates or Advance. It helps in improving the consistency. It encourages players to give their best performance. They come across new moves and new style of play. It trains them to concentrate a greater number of hours in a day. It trains them how to handle wins and losses in a tournament as well as in life. It helps them improve their ratings. Practice makes man perfect. Only practice is not enough, serious practice will be more effective. This will happen, when students will prepare and participate in tournaments. Participating in lot of tournaments, improves in confidence level, builds fighting spirit while playing game.

Participating in tournaments cost money and effort. Entry fees has to be paid for each tournament. Moreover, parents have to take them to tournaments forfeiting that day's work. Both these requirements are tough for the under privileged children. Hence, we periodically conduct tournaments for our students. We give free entry to all our students and collect fees from the outside students to cover the expenses. The tournaments are conducted by TDCA (Thane district chess association) and MCA (Maharashtra chess Association).

Both TDCA and MCA conducts the tournaments in a professional manner based on the FIDE guidelines. Professional FIDE arbiters control the tournament. The paring for the tournament is done using Swiss-Manager. Appropriate time control is used for the tournaments.