Anjanibai Chess Academy

Our Mission

Take chess to the less privileged Children

When comparing the success of children, we assume that all kids are equal and are given a level playing field. In reality it is never the case. When; where and how a child is born largely determines how far she/he can be successful. 

There are both privileged and under privileged children in the world. According to, the definition of privilege is “the unearned and mostly unacknowledged societal advantages that a restricted group of people has over another group.”

Most of the times underprivileged children do not grow to their full potential.  Due to their hash situations at home and the way society treats them, it is seen that underprivileged kids normally develop an inferiority complex with respect to other privileged children. This results in them normally settling for lesser things in life. Their focus is normally to get a basic education and switch to a job immediately. They think that some things are out of their reach. 

Teaching chess to the underprivileged children changes that.

Teaching chess to the underprivileged children have its own advantage. It increases their concentration, logical thinking and spacial recognition. It also helps them to handle stressful situations. Chess is normally associated with intelligent and privileged children. Hence any success in chess hugely boosts the confidence of the children. 

Our children are taught chess professionally and are taken to tournaments where they get to compete with the privileged children. Each victory there boost their morale and increases their self-confidence. They start to believe that they have similar capabilities as that of privileged children. Hence, they will strive hard to progress in life and grow to their full potential. 

The most congenial society is the one where the difference between the rich and the poor is the minimal.

Anjanibai Deshbhratar is an inspiring woman leader from the 20th century. At a time when women faced severe restrictions, Anjanibai setup a free hostel for girls from oppressed caste communities to attend school. Anjanibai Deshbhratar was inspired by Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar and worked to transform minds and social attitudes.