
  1. Anjan Gupta, Anuradha Garge and Ravi A. Rao, A nice group structure on the orbit space of unimodular rows-II. J. Algebra 407 (2014), 201–223.
  2. Anjan Gupta, Optimal injective stability for the symplectic K1Sp group. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 219 (May 2015), Issue 5, Pages 1336– 1348.
  3. Anjan Gupta, On the existence of unimodular elements and cancellation of projective modules over noethe- rian and non-noetherian rings. J. Algebra 446 (2016) pp. 323–345.
  4. Anjan Gupta, Ascent and Descent of the Golod property along alge- bra retracts. J. Algebra 480 (2017) pp. 124–143.
  5. Dipankar Ghosh, Anjan Gupta, Tony J. Puthenpurakal, Characteri- sations of regular local rings via syzygy modules of the residue fields. J. Commut. Algebra 10 (2018), no. 3, 327–337.
  6. Amanda Croll, Roger Dellaca, Anjan Gupta, Justin Hoffmeier, Vivek Mukundan, Denise Rangel Tracy, Liana M. S ̧ega, Gabriel Sosa, Peder Thompson, Detecting Koszulness and related homolog- ical properties from the algebra structure of Koszul homology. To appear in Nagoya Mathematical Journal.
  7. Anjan Gupta, A criterion for modules over Gorenstein local rings to have rational Poincar\'e series. To appear in the Pacific Journal of Mathematics.
  8. Anjan Gupta, Raja Sridharan, Sunil K. Yadav, On a group structure on unimodular rows of length three over a two dimensional ring. To appear in Indian Statistical Institute Series, ISSN: 2523-3114, Springer Monograph.