Anita´s learning ePortfolio

The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you. -BB King.

Welcome to my personal ePortfolio!

This is my first ePortfolio and I´m still learning how to do arrange things, add pictures or videos and other stuff. It is a bit tricky, but I will be fine hopefully.

This portfolio is supposed to help me through my journey of the project we just started at university. I´m eager to learn more about CPD and mindframes. The quote I chose on the top of the page actually fits my situation quite well: Everything I learn here in class or while researching is there for me and no one can take it away from me. This is really awesome!

I would like to say a few things about myself. I´m a student in the master's programme to become a language teacher (English and Spanish). I'm trying to do my best to achieve my goals, finish my studies and start teaching, but I´m a mom of two little daughters as well, so I might not be able to keep my portfolio up-to-date all the time. I have already taught English and Spanish at a community school for two and a half years before starting my Master of Education. I could have continued working as a teacher, but I wanted to do it right. I had started teaching after my master's degree (Magister) in English, Spanish and psychology, but because I didn´t have the first state examination I had to reapply every six months and I was sick and tired of it. I wanted to do the real thing and here I am! Looking back to my two and half years of teaching I realised now that even though I was working hard I could have done better had I known how. Keeping a learning portfolio is a great way of reflecting on what you are doing and it is really helpful being able to look back at what you have done. I believe that it would also be a great technique for students at school later on to reflect on their learning. I'm certain they could use it well.