Anindya Sarkar


Hello!  I'm a Ph.D. Student at Washington University (WashU) working under the supervision of Prof. Yevgeniy Vorobeychik. Previously, I worked as a Research Assistant (RA) at Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad (IIT-H)  under the guidance of Prof. Vineeth N Balasubramanian. During my  RA-ship, I worked on Adversarial Machine Learning. Before that, I worked at Quest Global, India as a Deep Learning R&D Engineer. I also graduated from Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad with an M.Tech degree. 

Research Interests

My primary research interest lies in developing Reinforcement Learning based methods to solve real-world problems of broad societal relevance involving Sequential Decision-making under Uncertainty. I am also interested in Generative modeling in the context of Sequential Decision Making. Check here for the list of my previous publications. Take a look at my CV here




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