
At University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Current Teaching (Fall 2023)

Past Teaching

Class taught in a blended style, a combination of conventional and active learning/flipped classroom models. Before each class, I post an outline of the lecture and ask students to read it to become comfortable with the material. First half of the class is taught in a more traditional style, present new material and examples. In the second part, students work in groups problems.

In this course students use real data to create and analyze mathematical models, thus engaging in a learning and discovery process that showcases the importance of mathematics in the real world. Students worked (with a scientist from Janssen Bio-therapeutics)  in four groups on projects regarding the Covid-10 response in US with a comparison analysis across states, rural vs urban areas, and also studied the effects of mandated testing and Covid vaccine.

At Iowa State University

Summer 2020, Calculus 2.

Summer 2019, Calculus 3.

Summer 2018, Calculus 3.