I just wanted to make another project and tried to make a smooth explosion transition (from normal view to explosion view). In the first step I only need a transition in creo - not a separate movie or GIF. For an separate video or GIF I need the integrated animation studio in creo - at least this is what I read.

For now - when I switch between normal view and explosion view and back to normal view there is no smooth transition inbetween those views - the description "digital behaviour" would be suitable. So, how can I "slow down" the animation or the transition? I also saw, that my creo is showing "Animation images were skipped" in the lower notification bar.

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the strange thing is, when I change it from 1 to 3 or from 3 to 10 or from 10 to 3 - every time when I press the explode view button it shows in the description bar "the single image is processed at time 3.000" (or 10.00 when I switch it to 10.00)

You need to provide more details and example data. It is difficult to speculate about what is happening from a verbal description. A video of the steps you are taking when testing this will probably help diagnose things. What version of Creo are you working in?

I am working with the PTC Creo Version 6. Attached you can find the screen recorder files which I just made. I made a example assembly for better understanding. the explotion view I introduced as known - no problems there I think.

The animation sequence duration does appear to be increasing with the change to the config setting for time. It appears that the issue is that only a single frame is used to create the animation. I am not aware of a config option controlling frame display for explode states but there may be one.

Yes - the animation uses only 1 frame or at least very few frames for the animation. The increase of the value "explode_animation_max_time" makes only the difference that the start where the very short "animation" will be shifted for the amount which is set.

So - regarding the config.pro I looked it up and saw that the software is provided by an software prvider not PTC directly. I will ask a guy at this company to check this problem...maybe they changed something on the config.pro which causes my problem...

Before doing this, it will be helpful to look at where you are loading your config.pro files from (sometimes there are more than one). You can see this using FILE - OPTIONS - CONFIGURATION EDITOR and push the drop down arrow next to the Show:

Before you Free Animated Explosion Sprite Pack. This is a collection of various effects: fiery explosions, burning and smoke, electric discharges, poisonous sprays, etc. Contains 11 pieces in total. Each effect can be useful in games of different genres. For example, adventure platformers containing traps and obstacles or games where dynamic battles take place.

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I am working on a silly game, in which player will control an artillery, adjust its bearing and pitch for a target and then fire. I have finished adjustment of parts. Now I want to fire it. When player fires a cannon, I would like to show a split second animation (animation may not be the right term) of explosion at the end of the barrel of the cannon.

So, instead, I dove into Blender for fire animation and tried to make something which looked like an explosion. However it turned out to be a bigger task than I initially thought (I am not a Blender expert either). I have already spent day and a half on this issue, and before investing more time into it, I want to ask whether I am moving in the right direction or I am barking at the wrong tree.

I am a Sr. VFX artist and I would love to share my recent work to this wonderful community for learning and knowledge. I have been working on a stylized cartoon explosion for a while these days. It is inspired by one of the gameplay scenes from an amazing game Overwatch. Its one of my favorite games.

Main explosion (Center Part) can be like 200% bigger.

Also it feels like life of it is a bit longer than the original.

I think it would look great if it scales up as well.

You could change the background color so that we can see the ending smoke as well.

This is a skill that I am still trying to get better at in my own work, but something that might serve useful is looking at the Overwatch effect (or any effect you make), and figure out what is the thing you look at most or draws your attention the most (the primary element) and make sure that is where you want people to look first. Similar to painting :). Primary read, secondary read, tertiary etc. This is something that can be manipulated with the things I mentioned, like how fast a particle moves, how much contrast it has vs other elements surrounding it (value/hue/saturation), and how sharp or soft it is. Once you figure out what you want those primary/attention-drawing elements to be the effect becomes a lot easier to create.

@NateLane Thanks for giving an in-depth feedback. I liked your input and they are really helpful. Always welcome long feedback so there is no issue Yeah I took it as an inspiration more than 1:1 copy. When I was about to visualize such sort of effect, Overwatch came to my mind and those effects were so cool that I idealized them. I want to learn some better texture creation techniques as well and the advice will be helpful. Got some interesting feedback from some other artists as well including yours and i am thinking to give it another pass after collecting some more feedback to learn and take this more closer and makes it even better.

In the Overwatch gif you show, the initial shockwave is really fast, showing the AOE size of the explosion. Then, you have the actual shapes that appear and linger for a bit longer. Think of it this way:

Drawing hand animated effects takes a lot of time, patience, and practice. Being in an industry that can be as fast paced as Motion Graphics we don't always have the luxury of being on a job where we can just stop and learn a brand new skill that can take a lot of time to master. In this tutorial we're going to see how you can use After Effects to make a cartoon style explosion that looks like someone animated it by hand in a program like Adobe Animate.Check out the resources tab for some inspiration and other goodies that go along with this tutorial.

Well, hello again, Joey here and welcome to day 22 of 30 days of after effects. Today's video is really cool. What we're going to try to do is replicate the look of a hand drawn sort of anime style explosion done totally in after effects. I sort of became obsessed with this thing. This effect when Ryan Woodward, who's an amazing traditional animator came to visit Ringling college, where I used to teach and showed how he could just sort of draw these things. The only problem is I can't draw very well. So I decided to try to do the whole thing in after effects. And I'm going to show you every single step that I did to get this result. I'm going to be using a lot of the tricks that I showed you in some of the other videos from 30 days of after effects. And it's going to be cool to see how these building blocks can start to work together, to create something really unique looking, don't forget to sign up for a free student account.

So you can grab the project files from this lesson, as well as assets from any other lesson on the site. Now let's hop into after effects and I'll show you how this works welcome to after effects people. Um, so this tutorial, I'm going to try and do this a little bit differently, and this is kind of an experiment. And, uh, I want you, I want you guys to let me know how well this works, this little animation here. Um, I sort of forced myself to figure out how to make this, and I've never actually really made anything like this before. Um, and it took a long time. Uh, it took a few hours and, you know, really had to rack my brain to get it to work. And, you know, one of the things that always happens in these tutorials is I just, I don't, you know, I'm assuming you don't want me to make a four-hour tutorial where I go through every step.

So what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna kind of walk through this comp and I'm gonna sort of try, I'm going to try to show you every little piece and just kinda talk about it. Maybe show you a couple of things rather than build something from scratch. And then I'm going to give you this project file and let you just tear it apart and we'll see how well that works. So hopefully you guys will dig that. So this is sort of the Anna May, you know, explosion. Uh, we had, when I was teaching at Ringling, we had a guest speaker come named Ryan Woodward. I will link to him in the, uh, in the description to this amazing traditional animator. Um, and he can draw stuff like this. Uh, and actually this particular explosion was inspired heavily. You'll you'll know, in a minute, um, by this artist and he's got his two defects compilation up on Vimeo, which I'll also link to and you can see, I tried to sort of replicate the feel of that and then his reel goes on and it's all really, really cool.

Um, and I'm pretty sure that most of it is hand I'm sure. You know, when they're straight lines, he's probably using, um, you know, a line tool to do that. But a lot of this is just hand drawn. Well, I'm not that good at drawing people. Um, and I can tell you a dry hand drawing effects. Like that takes a lot of practice. It's very tricky. So I wanted to see how to do it in after effects. So let's start diving in here. Um, this is my final comp, so why don't we just dive all the way back to the beginning here? Um, I've got a lot of layers, a lot of color correction going on. Um, but this right here. Okay. This is a giant oversized comp that I've made, uh, it's 2,500 by 2,500. And I'll explain why it's that size. And this is where I actually built up all the layers that make this explosion. 152ee80cbc

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