workshop on Economics of Competition and Regulation 

the workshop is postponed: 

Due to the prime minister's unexpected announcement of a July general election in the UK, we are forced to postpone the City/CMA workshop. The restrictions on public engagements by civil servants and policymakers during the pre-election period mean that the CMA and other public bodies cannot participate in the workshop. This will make it impossible for us to fulfil the purpose of the workshop, which is to create a forum for engagement between economic practitioners, policy makers and academics. Hence, after careful deliberation, we made the difficult decision to postpone the event. It is not a farewell, but a see you soon -- we will reschedule, so watch the spot!

About the workshop

In collaboration with the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), the Centre for Competition and Regulatory Policy at the Department of Economics at City, University of London, is hosting a Workshop on Economics of Competition and Regulation. The workshop will take place at City, University of London on June 3-4, 2024. It will bring together academics, policy makers and industry practitioners to share their perspectives on a broad range of topics related to competition on and regulation of various markets.

We are grateful to City's School of Policy & Global Affairs, Charles River Associates, NERA Economic Consulting, RBB Economics and Oxera Consulting LLP for their financial support.


Location: Oliver Thompson Lecture Theatre (C101), Tait Building, Northampton Square, London, EC1V 0HB

Monday, 3 June 2024

9:30-9:40 Welcome address by Inderjeet Parmar and Xeni Dassiou

Session 1: Ecosystems

9:40-10:15 Oliver Latham (CRA) 

Analysing ecosystem effects in merger control 

Discussant: Joost Rietveld (UCL) 

10:15-10:50   Özlem Bedre Defolie (European University Institute)

App Platform Model (join with Simon Anderson)

Discussant: Matthew Cherry (PSR)

10:50-11:15 Coffee break

Session 2: Economics of Data

11:15-11:50   James Hill (RBB) 

The Value of Data

Discussant: Flavio Toxvaerd (University of Cambridge) 

11:50-12:25   Carlo Reggiani (JRC Seville)

Data-driven market leadership and price coordination (with Y. Gu and L. Madio)

Discussant: Nitika Bagaria (Keystone) 

12:25-13:25 Lunch

Panel discussion 

13:25-14:40 DMCC bill

Moderator: Xeni Dassiou (City, University of London)

Panellists: Hayley Fletcher (CMA), Stephen McDonald (Which?), Annabelle Gawer (University of Surrey), Oles Andriychuk (Newcastle University), Flavio Toxvaerd (University of Cambridge) 

Session 3: The Role of Algorithms in Digital Markets

14:40-15:15 Annie Leith (CMA) 

Foundation Models - Competition and Consumer Impacts 

Discussant: Daniel Ershov (UCL)

15:15-15:50   Diane Coyle (University of Cambridge)

Open Source (Generative) AI Models

Discussant: Johan Keetelaar (Oxera)

15:50-16:15 Coffee break

Session 3: Media Plurality

16:15-16:50  Simeon Thornton (Ofcom)

Media plurality and online news

Discussant: Clement Minaudier (City, University of London)

16:50-17:25   Julia Cagé (Sciences Po Paris)

Hosting Media Bias (joint with Moritz Hengel, Nicolas Herve and Camille Urvoy)

Discussant: Oliver Latham (CRA)


Tuesday, 4 June 2024

Session 4: Interoperability in Digital Markets

9:30-10:05 James Bruschini and Robin Finer (Ofcom)

Mandated interoperability in digital markets 

Discussant: Arina Nikandrova (City, University of London) 

10:05-10:40   Jacques Crémer (TSE)

Interoperability, switching costs, and the economics of the cloud

Discussant: Gabriella Monahova (NERA)

10:40-11:05 Coffee break

Session 5: Labour Market Power 

11:05-11:40   Jakob Schneebacher (CMA)

Labour Market Power in the UK

Discussant: Giacinta Cestone (City, University of London)

11:40-12:15   Axel Gottfries (University of Edinburgh)

Dynamic monopsony with large firms and non-competes (joint work with G. Jarosch)

Discussant: Gabriele Corbetta (Compass Lexecon)


12:15-13:15 Lunch

Session 6: Potential Impacts of Market Power

13:15-13:50 Samilah Naira (CMA) 

Review of Competition in the Groceries Sector 

Discussant: Robert Scherf (Berkley Research Group)

13:50-14:25 Howard Smith (University of Oxford)

The Rise of Discounters and Its Impact on Concentration, Market Power and Welfare 

Discussant: Alex Waddington (CMA)

14:25-14:50 Coffee break

Session 7: Competition Policy and Sustainability

14:50-15:15 Leonard Treuren (KU Leuven)

The potential and limitations of competition to achieve sustainability

15:15-15:40 Timo Klein (Oxera & Utrecht University)

Using economics to implement the new legal framework on competition and sustainability 

15:40-16:05 Theon van Dijk (RBB)

Assessing sustainability agreements in practice  

16:05-16:30 Discussion