I've been using neo4j 3.5.7 as windows service. But time for upgrade came and I've unpacked new version 4.1.3 (to different directory), uninstalled old service and installed new with "neo4j uninstall-service" and "neo4j install-service". But when I try to start service it failed.

I've tried to install jdk 11.0.8 and 15. It didn't work either. I tried unpack neo4j to different location, also it didn't help. If I run neo4j with prunsrv-amd64.exe //TS// it works. Why the service don't work?

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this cleared up the error. Though from above its not clear this is exactly the same issue, though it does appear something is amiss with the Service. Can you start the Neo4j service from 'Services` UI in Windows? Does this fail in the same manner? Does the Event Viewer of Windows provide any details on the failure?

I've recently upgraded Kibana to 4.3.0 from 4.0.2 and set it up as a backend service for Windows 7 using the following command line:

sc create "ElasticSearch-Kibana-4.3.0" binPath= "C:\experiment\kibana-4.3.0-windows\bin\kibana.bat" depend= "elasticsearch-service-x64"

What i did is sc.exe create "Kibana 4.3.1" binPath=

"C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\K4\bin\kibana.bat" in powershell and it

seems to work. Windows told me the service start failed, but kibana was running

anyways. After setting the service to start automatically, it even worked after

rebooting the Windows machine.

Other users seem to use NSSM ( ) for this, as described here -install-logstash-and-kibana-on-a-windows-server.34/

(in step 14). Sounded like it is more reliable like the "sc.exe create" approach, but

would need a third party tool.

I was referring to the windows script startup time. The error message made it sound like the script didn't wait long enough for Kibana to start up. I don't really know anything about windows startup scripts though.

It's also possible that Kibana just isn't set up correctly to run as a Windows startup script. Based on what @Mark_van_der_Harst posted, it sounds like that is the case, and you'll have to use some tool to wrap Kibana and treat it as a service.

This topic will be regarding the post I made few days ago on monitoring a windows service, this time in the Elastic Cloud. Not really a problem but a new solution I found while exploring the things arround Elastic-Agent and Fleet.

By setting up an Elastic-agent and applying the Windows integration in the "Add integrations" page, once everything is done, check the dashboard of windows services that was generated and you may see the services running in the machine just like in the image bellow:

Captura de Tela (196)_LI1350546 81.2 KB

If your configurations are default, all this data will also be sent to your index "metrics-*" (you can check the data in the Discover page).Once you see the metrics coming in, all that's left is making a rule in the Security alerts; I say in the Security because in the Observability alerts I couldn't find the "Custom Query" type. In case you don't have Security configured in your cluster, there might be an error in the page because you don't have the views working. But it won't affect you in making the alerts.

I made one to monitor the local apm-server service I have to run a self-management elastic stack and it looks just like that:

Captura de Tela (197)1332479 54.4 KB

It not only helped in my case but also opened alot of new possibilities so I wanted to share the process in case anyone faces a similar problem.

I'd like to know how to unblock a service with ERA if it's possible. My goal is to unblock the Windows service WMI and not just a port or ports that it uses for my domain. This service is know to use a very wide range of ports that I don't want to open blindly. In the attached screenshot when I go to add a rule. I see the field that says service. Should this field be populating? Because it's not doing so. Yes I could unlock this service on each machine individually when it's blocked. But that's not efficient. I've even tried putting in a Group Policy to unblock the service in the Windows Firewall to utilize the "Also evaluate rules from Windows Firewall" inside of ERA. But it doesn't like like ERA is noticing those rules, because when I try to push an app using SCCM to a test machine that utilizes the WMI service. I can see that WMI is still being blocked. Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.

In reviewing the logs at D:\Program Files\Atlassian\JIRA\logs, I am not seeing any smoking guns when it comes to something occurring at the time of the service crash. The service will always start back up (either via auto restart service setting or manually), but then it can take 20-30 minutes before we can finally log back into the app. Any suggestions?

New to SolarWinds NPM and APM. Looking for simple method to monitor status of Windows application services on server nodes, send e-mail when they are down and to attempt restart of these stalled or stopped services.

This was useful for me, except that it appears that the logic step in the alert is missing. Don't we need to create a trigger to test for the condition of the Windows Service (Up, Down, etc.), as well as identify the service that needs to be restarted? Once we have both of those, then use that to determine if the alert should be sent, and also the restart initiated? Isn't this needed order for the ${ComponentId} variable to know which service to restart, which is used in the following command:

The safest way to manually install the service is to use the providedservice.bat script. Administrator privileges are required to run thisscript. If necessary, you can use the /user switch to specifya user to use for the installation of the service.

NOTE: If User Account Control (UAC) is enabled you will beasked for additional privileges when 'Tomcat9.exe' is launched bythe script.

If you want to pass additional options to service installer asPR_* environment variables, you have to either configure themglobally in OS, or launch the program that sets them with elevated privileges(e.g. right-click on cmd.exe and select "Run as administrator"; on Windows 8(or later) or Windows Server 2012 (or later), you can open an elevated commandprompt for the current directory from the Explorerby clicking on the "File" menu bar). See issue 56143 for details.

To run the service in console mode, you need to use the //TS parameter.The service shutdown can be initiated by pressing CTRL+C orCTRL+BREAK.If you rename the tomcat9.exe to testservice.exe then you can just execute thetestservice.exe and this command mode will be executed by default.

To install an instance, first set the CATALINA_HOME environment variable to thename of the Tomcat installation directory. Then create a second environmentvariable CATALINA_BASE and point this to the instance folder. Then run"service.bat install" command specifying a service name.

Procedure -> Step 6 -> Service Account Name

"Note: The provided service account credentials must meet the following requirements in addition to being a valid account. The user cannot be a local system or an administrator level account (local admin, domain admin, etc.)"

And here:

Configure Windows MID Server service credentials

"Windows service credentials control the level of privilege on the device. The user should not be a local system or an administrator level account (local admin, domain admin, etc.)"

Pre-upgrade tests

"Ensure that the Log On As user for the Windows service is either LocalSystem or a user that is part of the local Administrator group. By default, domain administrators are added to the local Administrator group when joining a computer to a domain."


Errors that block the upgrade:

"MID Server Windows Service is not running as LocalSystem or a local Administrator

This message warns that the Windows service is not running with the desired permissions."

In a section further down the above Install a MID Server on Windows (Vancouver) page there is a comment relating to something changing in Orlando:

Run a Windows MID Server as a non-admin after manual installation:

"Non-admin accounts cannot initiate upgrade services in versions prior to the Orlando release."

If local system is not required how does the upgrade process work? The Windows MID service account has Full Control rights to the MID service install directory so I am assuming it has the rights to replace any upgraded files and so does not required admin rights. Is that what changed in Orlando?

This repository contains the legacy code I wrote for SrvStart in 2000. SrvStart allows you to run an ordinary Windows executable as a Windows service. - GitHub - rozanski/srvstart: This repository ...

Note: When windows restarts, the Mule service stops the same way as using the mule stop command.The only situation that this could be different is if Windows kills the process due to a timeout.

Startup and shutdown logs are written to \tomcat\apache-tomcat\bin\startup.log and \tomcat\apache-tomcat\bin\shutdown.log when the service starts and stops Tomcat. These logs are written in addition to the logs produced by the application server when Tomcat is not run as a windows service.

Note: When the stop command is sent from the management console, the engines stop quickly in order to allow a server shutdown or reboot to occur immediately afterward. This quick-stop shutdown mode is not suitable for subsequently upgrading your Appian installation to a newer version, which requires a shutdown that executes a checkpoint. When shutting down the Appian engines as part of an upgrade, you must run the stop script before stopping the service.

To control starting and stopping the data service from the Windows Service management console, install it as a Windows Service. This will allow the data service to continue to run after the OS user who started it logs out. Before installing the data service as a Windows Service, first ensure that Appian engines are set up to run as a service. 589ccfa754

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