Cipriana Anghel's web page


I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Mathematisches Institut of Universität Göttingen in the group of Professor Thomas Schick and member of the Research Training Group (RTG) Fourier Analysis and Spectral Theory

Before, I was a PhD student at the Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy (IMAR, Bucharest) under the supervision of Professor Sergiu Moroianu.

I am interested in global analysis, hyperbolic geometry, spectral theory.


Latest events

July 2024: Operator Theory 29, Timișoara

June 2024: Scientific visit in Oldenburg

May 2024: Paris-Saclay conference in Analysis and PDE, Orsay

May 2024: Workshop for Young Researchers in Mathematics, Iași

April 2024: Scientific visit in Metz

March 2024: Spring School "Zeta functions, dynamics and analytic number theory”, Göttingen

December 2023: Arbre de Noël Géométrie non commutative, Metz

November 2023: Anderson Localisation Workshop, Auffargis

October 2023: Defense of my PhD Thesis:).

Last year I organised Mini-Seminar on b-Calculus at IMAR.

Member in the European Mathematical Society Young Academy.


October 2023--present: postdoctoral researcher at the University of Göttingen in the research group of Prof. Thomas Schick.

2019-2023: PhD student at IMAR under the supervision of Prof. Sergiu Moroianu.

                    PhD Thesis: On the spectrum of geometric differential operators on Riemannian manifolds.

2021-present: Team Member in the Research Grant "Spectral Methods in Hyperbolic Geometry"

2017-2019: Master student at the University of Bucharest;  Master program: Algebra, Geometry, Cryptography.

                     Master thesis: The Atiyah-Singer index theorem, supervised by Prof. Dr. Sergiu Moroianu

                     Team member in the Research Grant "Volumes of hyperbolic and Einstein manifolds".

2014-2017:  Undergraduate student at the University of Bucharest

                      Bachelor thesis:  Identities concerning the lengths of orthogeodesics on hyperbolic surfaces

                                                       supervised by Prof. Dr. Sergiu Moroianu.

2010-2014: High-school student at "Colegiul Național de Informatică Tudor Vianu", București.  

My CV 

Curriculum vitae (last update: April 2023)