Angelo Ranaldo 

Welcome to my personal website. I am Angelo Ranaldo, Full Professor of Finance and Financial Economics at the University of Basel, Swiss Finance Institute (SFI) senior chair and, since 2023, Member of the Bank Council of the Swiss National Bank.

I have served as a consultant and scientific advisor to international institutions such as the Bank of England, Bank of International Settlements, European Central Bank and European Money Market Institute. The European Central Bank awarded me the 2018 Duisenberg Fellowship.

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University of Basel and Swiss Finance Institute (SFI) 

Peter Merian-Weg 6 | P.O. Box | 4052 Basel | Switzerland

Tel. +41 71 224 70 10 |

Websites: me | ssrn | IDEAS | LinkedIn | Google Scholar | Research Gate

News: University Council appoints Angelo Ranaldo as the new Professor of Finance and Financial Economics

News: Bank Council of the Swiss National Bank

News: Senior chair at SFI

Forthcoming & recent publications:

All publications:

Asymmetric Information Risk in FX Markets,” with Fabricius Somogyi, 2021. Journal of Financial Economics, 140(2), pp. 391-411.

Regulatory Effects on Short Term Interest Rates,” with Patrick Schaffner and Michalis Vasios, 2021. Bank of England Working Paper No. 801. Journal of Financial Economics 141(2), 750-770.

OTC Premia,” with Gino Cenedese and Michalis Vasios. Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 136, Issue 1, April 2020, Pages 86-105. (SSRN: here)

Euro repo market functioning: collateral is king,” with Patrick Schaffner and Kostas Tsatsaronis. BIS Quarterly Review, December 2019, Pages 95-108. (SSRN: here)

A Simple Estimation of Bid-Ask Spreads from Faily Close High and Low Prices,” with Farshid Abdi. The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 30, Issue 12, December 2017, Pages 4437–4480. (SSRN: here)

The Euro Interbank Repo Market,” with Loriano Mancini and Jan Wrampelmeyer. The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 29, Issue 7, July 2016, Pages 1747–1779. (SSRN: here)

Uniform-price auctions for Swiss government bonds: Origin and evolution,” with Enzo Rossi. SNB Economic Studies, 10/2016. (SSRN: here)

Understanding FX Liquidity,” with Nina Karnaukh and Paul Söderlind. The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 28, Issue 11, November 2015, Pages 3073–3108. (SSRN: here)

Precious metals under the microscope: A high-frequency analysis,” with Massimiliano Caporin and Gabriel G. Velo. Quantitative Finance, Volume 15, Issue 5, 743-759. (SSRN: here)

On the predictability of stock prices: A case for high and low prices,” with Massimiliano Caporin and Paolo Santucci de Magistris. Journal of Banking & Finance, Volume 37, Issue 12, December 2013, Pages 5132-5146. (SSRN: here)

Risk spillovers in international equity portfolios,” with Matteo Bonato and Massimiliano Caporin. Journal of Empirical Finance. Volume 24, December 2013, Pages 121-137. (SSRN: here)

Liquidity in the Foreign Exchange Market: Measurement, Commonality, and Risk Premiums,” with Loriano Mancini and Jan Wrampelmeyer. The Journal of Finance, Volume 68, Issue 5, October 2013, Pages 1805-1841. (SSRN: here)

Do financial variables help predict the state of the business cycle in small open economies? Evidence from Switzerland,” with Mario Meichle and Attilio Zanetti. Journal of Financial Markets & Portfolio Management, Volume 25, Issue 4, October 2011, Pages 435-453. (here)

Does FOMC news increase global FX trading?,” with Andreas M. Fischer. Journal of Banking & Finance, Volume 35, Issue 11, November 2011, Pages 2965-2973. (SSRN: here)

The Time-Varying Systematic Risk of Carry Trade Strategies,” with Charlotte Christiansen and Paul Söderlind. The Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Volume 46, Issue 4, August 2011, Pages 1107-1125. (SSRN: here)

Safe Haven Currencies,” with Paul Söderlind. Review of Finance, Volume 14, Issue 3, July 2010, Pages 385–407. (SSRN: here)

The reaction of asset markets to Swiss National Bank communication,” with Enzo Rossi. Journal of International Money and Finance, Volume 29, Issue 3, April 2010, Pages 486-503. (SSRN: here)

Segmentation and time-of-day patterns in foreign exchange markets,” Journal of Banking & Finance, Volume 33, Issue 12, December 2009, Pages 2199-2206. (SSRN: here)

Editorial,” with Paul Söderlind. Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, Volume 23, Issue 4, December 2009, Pages 333–334. (ResearchGate: here)

The implementation of SNB monetary policy,” with Thomas Jordan and Paul Söderlind. Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, Volume 23, Issue 4, December 2009, Pages 349–359. (SSRN: here)

Extreme coexceedances in new EU member states’ stock markets,” with Charlotte Christiansen. Journal of Banking & Finance, Volume 33, Issue 6, June 2009, Pages 1048-1057. (SSRN: here)

Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: The Active Investment Strategies Behind Index Performance,” with Rainer Haeberle. European Financial Management, Volume 14, Issue 1, January 2008, Pages 55-81. (SSRN: here)

Realized bond—stock correlation: Macroeconomic announcement effects,” with Charlotte Christiansen. Journal of Futures Markets, Volume 27, Issue 5, May 2007, Pages 439-469. (SSRN: here)

Hedge Fund Performance & Higher-Moment Market Models,” with Laurent Favre. Journal of Alternative Investments, Volume 8, Issue 3, Winter 2005, Pages 37-51. (ResearchGate: here)

Order aggressiveness in limit order book markets,” Journal of Financial Markets, Volume 7, Issue 1, January 2004, Pages 53-74. (ResearchGate: here)

Transaction costs on the Swiss stock exchange,” Journal of Financial Markets & Portfolio Management, Volume 16, Issue 1, March 2002, Pages 53-68. (ResearchGate: here)

Intraday market liquidity on the Swiss Stock Exchange,” Journal of Financial Markets & Portfolio Management, Volume 15, Issue 3, September 2001, Pages 309-327. (ResearchGate: here)