Angelo Iridology

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Located in San Angelo, Texas

Angela Hodges CCI (Certified Comprehensive Iridologist) by IIPA (International Iridology Practitioners Association) 

Iridology, is the science of the study of the iris of the eye. As with fingerprints, there are no two irides that are exactly the same. Unlike finger prints, irides, with their variety of colors, textures, and markings, reveal the genetic  predisposition of the entire body, as well as acquired predispositions to imbalances. What I see in the eyes combined with the answers clients give me to the questions I ask, strengths, weaknesses, and interactions of organs and body systems all become clearer. 

Iridology is an assessment tool. It allows the iridologist to see genetic predispositions. When we combine predispositions with current symptoms, we gain a clear picture of where and what the imbalances in the body are. We can see what needs quieting down and what needs building up. 

Sclerology is the study of the white of the eye. Examining the placement of capillaries, along with their twists and turns, provides a dynamic indication of what is going on in the body right now. Often, capillaries will become swollen or obvious well  before a clinical symptom has been noticed. The capillaries of the sclera do change and show us degeneration and congestion as well as healing.

 Other services I offer include: Aromatouch TherapyEmotion code (releasing trapped emotions), and in depth Women's health. I have taken courses in Herbology, and Women's Health that cover everything from PCOS, Puberty to Menopause, including fertility and infertility. If you want help conceiving, have a teen that has crazy hormones or need help dealing with menopause, I would love to help you with those health challenges. 

I use Lifestyle recommendations, Herbs, Supplements, Essential Oils, some Bach Flower recommendations, and Diet Support to encourage changes in health, along with your commitment to implementing the changes. By making changes in your lifestyle you can possibly avoid genetic predispositions seen in your Irides,  or heal from the epi genetics already being expressed. 

 If you are thinking about having children, I can work with you to help be healthy and decrease the chances of passing along your genetic predispositions down to the next generation. You can see up to 3-4 generations back  of genetic factors in your eyes. It is amazing what we can do to help make our future generations healthier just by being educated and making some changes in our lives to achieve health. 

At your Intial appointment,  plan on spending 2 hours, to get good pictures of each Iris and the Sclera. Fill out paperwork and answer questions, take notes and create a program to begin working toward better health. Includes muscle testing to help determine what might be optimal, using Supplements, Herbs, or Essential Oils.  $160

I am looking for clients that want to improve their health in the long run and lean more towards the holistic or natural health approach. It takes time to get healthy physically, and emotionally. I want to help with both. 

Follow up Iridology appointments are  45 min-1 hour to adjust the program according to health needs and cooperation, and muscle testing results. - $60

Aromatouch session 45 min- 1 hour for application. Stimulates parasympathetic system, reduces inflammation in the body, helps reduce pain, and bring the body back to homeostasis. Aroma touch is a specific application of 8 essential oils - $60

Emotion Code Certified Practitioner - Emotion code sessions, in person, on the phone, virtually, or by email. 20min session- $20, 30 min. session- $30, 45 min session- $45.

What is emotion code: A session is where I find and release trapped emotions, using your subconscious to guide us to the answers. I  bring them to the surface of the governing meridian and use magnets to release each identified trapped emotion. I can release Heart walls and emotional baggage to help get rid of lower vibrations in the body to allow the body the chance to heal  itself.  Emotional baggage Consists of actual energies from:

    Intense emotional events in the present and the past, going as far back as the womb

    DNA imprints from preconception, prenatal, and also inherited from your ancestors

These energies can become stuck in your physical body or stored in your subconscious mind creating dysfunctional patterns or disease.

What is a Heart wall?

Trapped emotions will often gather around your heart. These emotions around your heart, literally build a wall of energy to protect your heart from emotional pain. 

 By releasing the heart wall it allows you to be more open to giving and receiving love. Plus you may be better able to  love yourself.

These sessions can be done in person, over the phone, ,virtual, or by email. Whatever you are comfortable with. 

Releasing trapped emotions can help relieve pain, allow healing for organs, disease processes.... possibilities are endless. 

I am evaluating patients at Rooted Wellness Center on Fridays in San Angelo, Tx.  Assessments are by appointment only. You may email or message me to make an appointment. Info at top of page. You may also now book an qppointment using

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