CompuMat Team


ORCID: 0000-0003-0491-1234

Scopus Author ID: 55511760900

Researcher ID: B-7612-2012

Prof. Ángel Morales-García

Lecturer Professor & Junior Research Group Leader

Ángel started his junior group under the umbrella of a JIN National Project funded by the Ministerio Ciencia e Inovación (MICIN) & Agencia Estatal de Investigation (AEI) in January 2022. After finishing his PhD at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM, Spain) in 2014, Ángel joined the group of Prof. Petr Nachtigall at Charles University in Prague (CUNI, Czech Republic) as postdoc during 2.5 years. Since 2017, Ángel manages his research studies, as JdC-Formación (2 years) plus JdC-Incorporación (2 years + COVID extension) under the supervision of Prof. Francesc Illas and now as Junior Leader,  at the University of Barcelona (UB, Spain) & Institut of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (IQTC). Angel is Lecturer Professor since October 2022.

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ORCID: 0000-0001-5297-3865

MSc. Miguel Recio Poo

PhD Candidate (FPI Fellowship)

Miguel obtained his Degree´s in Physics at Univeristy of Oviedo (UNIOVI, Spain). Afterwards, Miguel cursed the 2-year Master Erasmus Mundus of Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling (EMTCCM) at UNIOVI. His Master Thesis was supervised by Dr. Alberto Otero de la Roza and Prof. Miguél Anagel Salvadó. MIguel actually works on the design of hydrated photoactive TiO2 nanoparticles under the supervision of Dr. Ángel Morales-García and Prof. Stefan T. Bromley


ORCID: 0000-0003-3129-3697

MSc. Néstor García-Romeral

PhD Candidate (FI-SDUR Fellowship)

Néstor studied the Degree of Chemistry at the University of Barcelona (UB, Spain) and actually he is cursing the 2-year EMTCCM at UB. Néstor will investigate the structural and catalytic properties of TiO2/MXenes heterostructures under the supervision of Dr. Ángel Morales-García and Prof. Dr. Francesc Illas


ORCID: 0000-0002-1754-4819

MSc. Daniel Dolz García

PhD Candidate (Joan Oró - FI-2023)

Daniel studied the Degree of Chemistry at the University of Barcelona (UB, Spain) and actually he is cursing the 2-year EMTCCM. During his Master Thesis, Daniel will focus on the dissociation of CO molecule on heterogeneous catalysts based on MXenes under the supervision of Dr. Ángel Morales-García and Prof. Francesc Viñes 


ORCID: 0000-0002-2267-8192

MSc. David Vázquez Parga

PhD Candidate (Joan Oró - FI-2024)

David studied the Degree of Chemistry at the University the University of Barcelona (UB, Spain). Afterwards, David continued his studies cursing the 2-year EMTCCM. David currently works on the catalysis of key reactions on transition metal surfaces under the supervision of Dr. Ángel Morales-García and Prof. Francesc Viñes 

Mr. Haoyu Huang

Bachelor  Student

Haoyu is a Chemistry student at the University of Barcelona (UB, Spain). Haoyu  carries out his Bachelor Thesis under the supervision of Dr. Ángel Morales-García and Prof. Francesc Viñes working on Cu-doped photoactive nanostructures.