Capstone Project

personal biography

The first time I shown interest in art was when I started making things for my mom to show her I loved her.  I would make little bracelets, drawings, posters, and even paintings.

classes I have taken in high school that are art related would be Photography, Piano,  And Ceramics.

The type of art I like to make now is to make pottery

My art classes gave me skill I could use to build my future would by messing up sometimes and making mistakes but taking those mistakes and improving. Planning on something  before hand helped me gather tons of ideas leading to one. Cleaning your art space to always function well would continue to be a must to me.

The Process

The process of making my Too Much project took a lot of thinking and some improvising. Too start my brain thinking I wanted to look outside the box of what could be the main thing that people tend to turn to whenever anything is Too Much. What do I  do to get things off my mind, what do I listen to?  I turn to music, for me listening to melodies i like really helps me keep calm.

connecting the capstone

The Social Issue upon my artwork would be about finding the  Good in the Bad. Everyone has their own way of coping with negative things. One way to cope would be turning to music.Listening to music is one of the ways to get your mind off of things. Based on my artwork, you’ll see Music notes all around my piece. You will also see two sets of pianos. There is also one music box and a few “hidden” yin yang symbols. The Yin Yang symbols in the music notes would be about the good in the bad within music. Music being the language of expression. Expressing Good and Bad, the Bad in the Good, the Good in the Bad.  

Future changes

Upon the finished piece, i feel like there should of been some changes towards the end. 1 possible change would of been not rushing to get my piece finished. of course there's a time crunch for anything but I wish I could have put more effort on the left hand side. to me it is empty and you could automatically tell there was no effort being put towards it. the second thing would have been making sure the colors i chose were correct before applying it. yeah i know I could have easily wrote it down but i swore it was the correct one and that was a mistake on my end. The bright colored green on the right side of my piece does not go well with what was supposed to be a dim colored theme. i wish i payed attention. The last thing I would have done differently would have been making air ways so the heat could flow through. I wish i could have made those holes because now my peice has no bottom. I don't think you could tell its bottomless until you acting observe it up close or hold it.