Angeliki Giannou

PhD student                      
University of Wisconsin, Madison

About me 

I am a  third year PhD student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, advised by Prof. Dimitris Papailiopoulos . My research interests involve Machine Learning Theory, Learning Theory and Optimization.  

Prior to that,  I received a Bachelor & M. Sc.  in Electrical and Computer Engineering from National and Technical University of Athens,  working with Prof. Panayotis Mertikopoulos.


Angeliki Giannou, Shashank Rajput, Dimireis Papailiopoulos (COLT 2023).
Arxiv link 


Reviewer: NeurIPS 21-23, ICML 2023, ICLR 2024, ALT 2024
Outstanding Reviewer Award:  NeurIPS 2021, 2022 (top 8%)