
Currently, I am a Maria Zambrano postdoctoral fellow at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid mentored by Fernando Chamizo. Previously, I enjoyed a membership at the Institute for Advanced Studies mentored by Camillo de Lellis (2018-2020) and a Fields Ontario Fellowship at the University of Toronto mentored by Almut Burchard (2021-2022).

I was born in Albacete (Spain, 1988) and licentiated in Mathematics by the Universitat de Valencia dels Estudis Generals (UVEG, 2006-2011). In that period I benefited from several scholarships that allowed me to complement my studies in Rutgers (the State University of New Jersey), the National Kapodistrian University of Athens and the Universitat de Barcelona (UB).

In the summers of 2009 and 2010 I also benefited from JAE-intro scholarship and school under the supervision of Juan J. L. Velázquez and Javier Parcet, respectively. Afterwards I received a scholarship from Fundación 'la Caixa' to complete a Master's degree in mathematics (UB, 2011-2012). My master thesis 'An approach to Galois representations' was written under the supervision of L. Dieulefait.

I joined the FPI-program grant in the research program Harmonic analysis applications in Number Theory and Mathematical Physics. From January to May 2016 I visited Charles L. Fefferman at Princeton University under the Estancias Breves program. My thesis advisor was Antonio Córdoba Barba.