
'This book is a fascinating exploration of cutting edge research on the many ways that gender influences political participation and preferences―it’s a must read for anyone with an interest in the intersection of gender and politics.' - Linda J. Skitka, Social and Political Psychologist, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

'The Political Psychology of Women in U.S. Politics lays bare the diverse and complex ways in which gender influences American political behavior. Drawing on psychology for insight, the authors advance our understanding of the gender gap in political attitudes and political ambition, the effects of voter stereotypes on female political figures, and factors that promote and impede women’s political involvement. Gender is not a deterministic influence on political behavior, as the authors in this volume make clear. The gender gap in vote choice varies in magnitude across elections and both male and female political candidates win and lose elections. Nonetheless, gender matters politically and this book adds needed insight into when and how that occurs.' - Leonie Huddy, SUNY at Stonybrook, USA

In this video, I describe the findings in my 2014 article with Monica C. Schneider, "Measuring Stereotypes of Female Politicians," published in Political Psychology.

Select Publications

Gender & Politics

Bos, Angela L. and Monica C. Schneider, Eds. 2016. “The Political Psychology of Women in U.S. Politics.” Abingdon: Routledge Press.

Monica C. Schneider and Angela L. Bos. 2016. “The Interplay of Party and Gender Stereotypes in Evaluating Political Candidates.” Journal of Women, Politics & Policy 37(3).

Angela L. Bos. 2015. “The Unintended Effects of Political Party Affirmative Action Policies on Female Candidates’ Nomination Chances.” Politics, Groups and Identities 3(1): 73-93.

Monica C. Schneider and Angela L. Bos. 2014. “Measuring Stereotypes of Female Politicians.” Political Psychology 35 (2): 245-266.

Bos, Angela L. 2011. “Out of Control: Delegates’ Information Sources and Perceptions of Female Candidates.” Political Communication 28 (1): 87-109.

Race & Politics

van Doorn, Bas W. and Angela L. Bos. 2017. “Are Visual Depictions of Poverty in the U.S. Gendered and Racialized?” In "The Social Legitimacy of Targeted Welfare: New Perspectives on Popular Welfare Deservingness Opinions", Eds. Wim van Oorschot, Femke Roosma, Bart Meuleman and Tim Reeskens. London: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Schneider, Monica C. and Angela L. Bos. 2011. “An Exploration of the Content of Stereotypes of Black Politicians.” Political Psychology 32 (2): 205-233.

Civics & Political Science Curriculum

Holman, Mirya, Erin C. Cassese, Angela L. Bos and Monica C. Schneider. 2015. “Building a Gender and Methodology Curriculum: Integrated Skills, Exercises, and Practices” Journal of Political Science Education 11(1): 61-77.

Cassese, Erin C. and Angela L. Bos. 2013. “A Hidden Curriculum? Examining the Gender Content in Introductory Level Political Science Textbooks” Politics and Gender 9 (2): 214-223.

Cassese, Erin C, Angela L. Bos and Monica C. Schneider. 2013. “Whose American Government? A Quantitative Analysis of Author Sex and Textbook Content.” Journal of Political Science Education 10(3): 253-272.

Angela L. Bos, Ian Williamson, John L. Sullivan, Marti Hope Gonzales, and Patricia G. Avery. 2007. “The Price of Rights: High School Students' Civic Values and Behaviors.” Journal of Applied Social Psychology 37 (6): 1265–1284.

Transforming the Discipline

Angela L. Bos, Jennie Sweet-Cushman and Monica C. Schneider. 2017. “Family Friendly Academic Conferences: A Missing Link to Fix the Leaky Pipeline?” Politics, Groups & Identities.

**This article was covered in Inside Higher Education.