Guidelines or Abstract


Abstract should be of the following format :-

a) written in English

a) not exceeding 2 pages

b) to include the following information: Title, Name of Authors, Affiliations and Keywords (not more than 5).

Format of Presentations:

  • Oral presentations are divided in 6 sessions according to specific theme. Each presentation is limited to 15-20 minutes only.
  • Panel sessions will provide an opportunity for about 2 presenters to speak in a more open and conversational setting with conference attendees.
  • Poster session will commence from first day and presentation will be held during 10.50-12.00 a.m.
  • Full papers are strongly encouraged to be submitted to our very own journal - the ASIAN MYRMECOLOGY or Kasetsart Journal or Thai Journal of Forestry or Thailand Natural History Museum Journal

Poster should be of the following format :-

  • Size of poster wide 60 cm. height 90-120 cm. in virtical