About me:

I'm a first year Master's student in Computer Engineering at NYU Tadon School of Engineering. 

Previously, I have interned at Computational Linguistics (CLAUSE) group in Bielefeld under  Prof. Sina Zarrieß  and 

Dr. Özge Alaçam in the field of multimodal machine learning.

I have also interned under Prof. Shital Chiddarwar at IvLabs- the robotics and AI lab at VNIT  trying to look at machine learning through the lens of mathematics. 

Here's Résumé for further information. 


Sept 2023: Started my MS in Computer Engineering at NYU Tandon School of                   Engineering.

May 2022:  Started my intern under Prof. Sina Zarrieß  and Dr. Özge Alaçam

Oct 2021: Our paper Enhancing Context through Contrast accepted at NeurIPS Preregistration Workshop

May 2020: Started working at IvLabs under Prof. Shital Chiddarwar

Publication and selected Projects:

Enhancing Context Through Contrast: 

Project Overview:  Proposed a novel post-pretraining step to enhance Neural Machine Translation performance. Based on the ideology that languages are transformation from an abstract meaning space. 


Medical Visual Question Answering

Project Overview: Benchmarked  a number of  multimodal transformer architectures on ImageCLEF 2019 dataset using Meta AI Research's (then Facebook AI Research) Multi-Modal Framework (MMF).


Neural Machine Translation

Project Overview: Reproduced four foundational Neural Machine Translation papers from scratch and baselined them on Multi30k dataset. 


Upcoming Projects:

Dynamic Discretization for Multimodal Transformers:

Proposed a novel architecture for soft discretization of images in an image-text pair  to increase their representational quality in  multimodal transformers. 

Information Bottleneck view of Transformers:

Performed experiments to understand the information flow in transformer architecture as used in text-to-text tasks.

Convolutional Language Modelling:

Proposed a new architecture for language modelling based on convolutional neural networks. 

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