
Research Interest

1) Social Networks - Agency in Networks, Network Signaling, Narrated Networks

2) Status - Status Homophily/Heterophily, Status Hierarchy, Status & Attention

Research Awards

1) 2022 - TD-MDAL Research Grant

2) 2022 - SMS Dissertation Research Grant

3) 2021 - Rotman BEAR (Behavioural Economics in Action) Research Fund

Working Papers
[1] Strategic Network Narration: Leveraging Random Encounters as a Strategy for Attracting Audience Attention - Job Market Paper (Dissertation Chapter)

- Under Review

  • Runner-up, 2022 AoM OMT Best Student Paper Award

  • 2022 AoM Best Paper Proceedings

  • Presentations: 2021 Sunbelt NetSci, 2022 Taiwan Symposium, 2022 CCC, 2022 ASAC, 2022 AoM

[2] Coming From Competitive Stock: Advisor Status and Genealogical Implications for Progeny Performance in Science. With Chris Liu, Waverly Ding, and Beril Yalcinkaya
- Under 2nd Review at Management Science

[3] Strategic Broadcasting of Strategic Alliances: Which Firm(s) Would Broadcast Their Alliance Formation? With Bill McEvily and Navid Asgari - Working Paper (Dissertation Chapter)

  • Presentations: 2020 AoM, 2022 SIOE (Society for Institutional & Organizational Economics), 2022 SMS*

[4] The Impact of Narrative Strategies of (Random) Network Ties on Audience Attention
Work in Progress (Dissertation Chapter)

  • Received Rotman BEAR Research Fund in 2021

  • Presentations: 2022 AoM OMT Symposium "Narrated Networks: Integrating Network Structure and Content" ,2022 Sunbelt NetSci

[5] Tokenism Held Back Gender Parity in the Biosciences. With Chris Liu, Waverly Ding, and Beril Yalcinkaya - Working Paper.

* indicates accepted forthcoming presentations

Other Projects

[1] The Impact of Fire Departments' Status on Their Collaboration Governance Choice
With Bill McEvily - Preliminary Results Available

[2] One-sided Narratives of the Strategic Alliances: How Do Firms Strategically Narrate Their Alliance Formation? - Data Collection in Progress

  • Received TD-MDAL Research Grant in 2022

Supervisory Committee

  • Bill McEvily (Chair), Anne Bowers, and Terry Amburgey