Corporate Program

"Elevate Your Communication and Intuition: NLP, Neuro-Semantics, Body Language, and Tarot Empowerment."

Our Vision

Our vision is rooted in improving organizational performance, and we do this by focusing on boosting employee competency and productivity. We act as strategic partners to our clients, offering them business solutions that are high in quality and practical in nature.

One of our core competencies is blending modern management principles with a deep understanding of human values. We strongly believe that people are the bedrock of excellence and success for any organization. By acknowledging this, we help organizations unlock impressive results through engaged and motivated staff.

Our approach values each individual and promotes teamwork, as we know this directly influences performance and productivity. When employees are skilled and knowledgeable, they find greater fulfillment in their work.

To stay ahead of the competition, we realize that it requires more than just technical expertise. Hence, we help our clients develop competencies across various fields of operation, addressing their concerns and issues through our programs.

We specialize in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), an innovative approach that helps individuals and organizations communicate effectively, overcome challenges, and reach their goals. Our expertise in NLP empowers our clients to unlock their full potential.

Following our expertise in NLP, we also offer training in Body Language. We believe in the power of non-verbal communication, and through our programs, we help clients enhance their body language skills. This fosters stronger connections and rapport within teams and with clients. 

Finally, our distinctive offering is our Tarot Empowerment Coaching. In this program, we combine the wisdom of Tarot cards with empowering coaching techniques grounded in psychology. 

Our Tarot Empowerment Coaching helps individuals tap into their inner wisdom and uncover hidden insights, providing them with clarity and practical tools to confidently navigate life's challenges.

Over the years, we have worked successfully with the corporate, service, and manufacturing sectors both locally and overseas. 

Our holistic approach, especially our Tarot Empowerment Coaching, helps us deliver transformative results for our clients.

Explore our range of talks, training, and workshops to understand how we can assist you or your organization in achieving greater heights. We look forward to partnering with you for your growth and success.

Areas of Expertise & Programs Offered

Our core business revolves around training and management consulting, with a special emphasis on two key areas: NLP and Body Language. Here's how we approach our work:

We work with you to formalize organizational goals and objectives.

When we collaborate with clients, we take the time to truly understand your vision, philosophy, and management style. By doing so, we can recommend the most effective training and consulting plans to suit your organization. 

Each training module is specifically tailored for professionals or non-executive personnel, ensuring that it resonates with your team members. We strongly encourage active participation from various management levels, as we believe that involving everyone leads to more impactful results. 

Our training sessions can be conducted in-house or at approved hotels and resorts, providing flexibility based on your preferences.

Our core programs are designed to cater to different categories of employees and focus on various perspectives known as the ALTitude system. This system is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of individuals, departments, and organizations. It comprises four teams of improvement:

Our Programs

I'm thrilled to share some of our most popular training topics with you. We mainly specialize in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Body Language Training, and Tarot Empowerment Coaching. 

We understand that each organization is unique, so we're more than happy to customize our programs to suit your specific needs.

Our Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) training is designed to unlock the full potential of individuals and teams. Through NLP techniques, we help participants develop effective communication skills, enhance their problem-solving abilities, and cultivate a growth mindset for personal and professional success.

In our Body Language training, we delve into the art of non-verbal communication. Participants learn to interpret and use body language cues to build rapport, establish trust, and enhance their overall communication effectiveness. 

By understanding subtle gestures, postures, and facial expressions, individuals can improve their presence, influence, and leadership abilities.

In addition to NLP and Body Language, our Tarot Empowerment Coaching programs offer a unique approach to personal growth and self-awareness. 

Through the guidance of Tarot cards and empowering coaching techniques rooted in psychology, participants gain insights, clarity, and practical tools to overcome obstacles, tap into their inner wisdom, and achieve personal transformation.

NLP Training Topics:

Body Language Training Topics:

Tarot Empowerment Coaching Training Topics:

We take pride in customizing our training programs to meet the specific needs of each organization. Whether you're looking to enhance team dynamics, improve communication, or foster personal and professional growth, we are committed to delivering tailored solutions that drive meaningful results.

Don't hesitate to reach out to us to discuss your organization's goals and requirements. We're excited to collaborate with you and create a training program that will empower your team and contribute to your organizational success.

We would be more than happy to schedule an obligation-free meeting to discuss your needs further and explore how our specialized knowledge can contribute to the growth of your organization.