Journal Entries


Prompt: What are your thoughts about the lectures today? What did you learn from the lectures and labs?

I thought that the lectures today were very interesting. I learned about a lot of new concepts in both Robotics and Biophysics. In Robotics, it was my first time building a lego set, so I learned how difficult it can be to find some pieces but also how fun the experience of playing with legos is. In Biophysics, I learned that atoms are directly correlated to temperature. The hotter the temperature, the faster atoms move. The colder the temperature, the slower atoms move.


Prompt: What did you learn or experience from working with your robot today? What did you find most interesting about the DLS talk about developing vaccines? How comfortable are you with adding journals and course content to this website?

While I was working with my robot today, I learned that coding directions for a robot is not a fast and easy process. I realized that I had to be very precise with motor power and timer. During the DLS talk, the most interesting thing I found about developing vaccines was how scientists were able to determine the genetic code of the COVID-19 spike protein in a short period of time. So far, I feel comfortable with adding journals and course content to this website.


Prompt: How many MegaPixels is the camera on your phone? How much money is $10,000 in 1983, today?

My phone has three back cameras and one front camera. One of the back cameras is 64 megapixels, while the 2 back cameras are 12 megapixels. The front camera is 10 megapixels. $10,000 in 1983 is worth about $27,000.


Prompt: What is the difference bias and noise? Write the truth table for the items in the images to the left.

The difference between bias and noise is that bias is the average of errors in decision-making while noise is the variability of errors.

Converse: Inverse: Contrapositive:






Prompt: What are your insights about the critique process? How has it already been useful or how do you think it will be useful in the future of this project?

I think that the critique process is useful because it gave me some useful constructive criticism and ways how to further improve my robot. I think that this process would be useful in the future so that I can receive tips for my robot.


Prompt: What "pebbles did you pick up" while watching Joshua, Serena, and/or Dr. Koehl's presentations?​

One "pebble" that I picked up while watching Dr. Koehl's presentation was that coral larvae disperse and use the natural environment, such as light and surface texture, to choose where on the reef they will settle and live so that they can undergo metamorphosis.


Prompt: Compare python programming with another language you are familiar with. What are the advantages and/or disadvantages of each?

Another programming language that I am familiar with is Java. The advantage with Python compared to Java is that Python's syntax is a lot simpler and easier to learn. The disadvantage with Python is that it is a lot slower than Java because it consumes a lot more memory. Due to this, compiling large Python programs take a lot longer time than Java programs.


Prompt: How is the function of the ribosome in your cells the same as or different from the python DNA translation program you worked with?​

The function of ribosome in cells is the same as the python DNA translation program because they both translate DNA code into protein amino acids. They are different because ribosomes function through molecular interactions while the python program is an interpretation of the function of ribosomes using a computer.


Prompt: What concerns to you have about the feasibility of your robotics project? How will you address these concerns?

Some concerns that I had with the feasibility of my robotics project was whether the color sensor was going to work properly. I tested the color sensor and realized that I need to adjust the brightness of my screen and keep the color sensor at a certain distance away from the screen in order to work properly.


Prompt: What pebbles did you pick up about the locomotion of other organisms from Dr. Nicholas Gravish's DLS talk?

One pebble that I picked up about the locomotion of other organisms was that animal locomotion is caused by complex interactions among sensory systems and processing the sensory information into patterns of motor output. Locomotion among organisms is essential for survival because it helps them escape from predators, find food, a mate, and a habitat.


Prompt: What do you think will happen in a Gambler's Ruins problem when the odds are slightly not fair? For example 51% to 49% odds for the two gamblers. (Hint: Both M1 and M2 are relatively large.)

When the odds are slightly not fair in the Gambler's Ruins problem, the gambler with the 51% odds will have a slightly better chance of winning than the gambler with the 49% odds.


Prompt: What connections did you make between diffusion and motor proteins to random walks?

The connection between diffusion and motor proteins to random walks is that the simulation of the random walks is a rough representation of how diffusion works and how motor proteins transport proteins.


Prompt: What changes have you made to your project(s) based on critique feedback from others?

When I first thought of my project, I was originally going for an auto clicker that can play the game Cookie Clicker but based on some critique feedback from others, I decided to change up the goal of my robot to play the dinosaur game in Chrome.


Prompt: Based on your experience with COSMOS so far, what pebbles have you picked up that will potentially take you forward in a career direction (like our speaker Dr. Jacqueline Thomas)?​

My experience with the programming language Python in COSMOS made me want to take programming as a career because I found programming to be fun and interesting.


Prompt: Reflect upon how you handled pressure and/or collaboration this week.

I handled pressure this week by managing my time properly and having a set schedule of what tasks to complete. I started off with setting a due date of when to finish building my robot and another day to complete the coding portion.


Prompt: What three pebbles will you take from COSMOS? What will will you be doing in 5 years, 10 years, 30 years?

Three pebbles that I will take from COSMOS are collaboration, RobotC, and Python programming. In the next 5 years, I expect to be studying Computer Science in a university and getting ready to graduate. In the next 10 years, I expect to be working for a tech company. In the next 30 years, I expect to get ready for retirement and live a relaxing and happy life.