
What is your sense of humor like? My hypothesis states that physical humor would be the root of humor because it was the first available and that nonsensical humor will also be high tier because of the new age of the internet. The reason I decided to do this project is that I was curious about what most members of Good Hope Country Day School find comedic. My three main sections of facts are heath facts, number facts, and facts without numbers.

Laughter boosts the immune system by enhancing the antibodies henceforth decreasing the number of sick days(Bailis, 2014). Laughter decreases the heart rate and increases the quality of blood flow. Humor boosts critical thinking by making the mind more playful leading to new ideas. Laughing releases endorphins which reduce stress. Breathing is difficult while laughing because your diaphragm will spasm(Liwanag,2020). laughing causes a hormone called HGH to be released which helps fight germs. Laughter can improve the memory of people aged 60-70.

Research showed that out of 2,500 people, the majority would rather a lower pay and more lighthearted workplace than a higher pay and heavyhearted workplace. Results have shown that advertisements with a more humorous approach have had a 25% increase in sales(Bailis, 2014). It has been shown that laughter is generally a group behavior because we laugh 30 times more with others than alone. Laughter is generally only 20% caused by something funny and is most commonly found in social interaction. In groups, the speaking person laughs twice as much as listeners. Babies laugh 300 times per day(Liwanag,2020).

Humor can increase others’ view of a leader positively. A lighthearted workplace leads to less burnout and withdrawal(Bailis, 2014). Laughter is universal and happens in all modern cultures. Laughter is an unnatural behavior it is difficult to accurately laugh on command. A baby’s laughter is affected by the laughter of those around them. People usually laugh at the end of a sentence and not midway through. Women laugh more than men. The science of laughter is called gelotology. Tickling can help form bonds between parent and child. Tickling oneself does not spark a reaction because the brain predicts the sensation making it not a surprise.

this project should solidify what I think people think is funny and show me things I did not know before. The information shows that there is a lot to know about the effects of laughter from humor. surreal humor is present within the age group of high schoolers so it should be held with more regards for them.