About Me

(above) Becoming a minor local celebrity in Norwich after securing a NASA postdoctoral fellowship (2016)

I am a scientist at the intersection between physics, biology, and geology. I was born and grew up in South Africa, Zimbabwe, and eventually England where I completed my education, and then spent five years working in the USA.  

I am passionate about exoplanet science and astrobiology, mentoring students so that they can become researchers and leaders in the field, and conducting outreach activities to share my passion for space with as wide an audience as possible.

I also enjoy cycling, playing bass guitar, reading, writing, photography, video games, playing cricket, hiking in the hills, and talking about space and astrobiology to anyone who will listen! Concern for my impact on the climate through travel motivated me to adopt a vegan diet in January 2020 after many years as a vegetarian.

Fiction writing

When not writing science papers, I like writing fictional stories and poems with a somewhat sci-fi/philosophical bent.

You can read some of my short stories and poems at my Vocal page: https://vocal.media/authors/andrew-rushby