Talks & Publications







15. Hopf-Galois Structures on Parallel Extensions (slides), Algebraic Structures in the Yang-Baxter Equation, invited talk; Heriot Watt University. 3rd-7th June 2024.

14. A computer algorithm for computing Hopf-Galois structures of small degree (slides), Workshop in Algebra and Applications in L'Aquila, invited talk; UniversitĂ  degli Studi dell'Aquila, L'Aquila, Italy. 17th-19th October 2023.

13. How to construct a database of Hopf-Galois structures of small degree (slides), Skew braces, skew bracoids, and Hopf-Galois Theory; University of Keele. 2nd-4th August.

12. Hopf-Galois structures on separable extensions (slides), Young Researchers Algebra Conference 2023; Hotel La Compagnia Del Viaggiatore, L'Aquila, Italy. 25th-29th July 2023.

11. Hopf-Galois Structures and Transitive Subgroups (slides), Groups, Rings and the Yang-Baxter Equation 2023; Corsendonk Duinse Polders, Blankenberge, Belgium. 19th-23rd June 2023.

10. Hopf-Galois Structures and Hunting Through the Holomorph (slides), Advances in Group Theory and Applications 2023; Universita del Salento, Italy. 5th-9th June 2023.

9. Hopf-Galois Structures on Parallel Extensions (slides), Hopf Algebras and Galois Module Theory; University of Nebraska, Omaha, USA. 29th May - 2nd June 2023.

8. Things to See and Do with Subgroups of the Holomorph (blackboard talk), invited talk; Heriot Watt University. 3rd May 2023.

7. Introduction to Hopf-Galois Structures (blackboard talk), invited talk; University of Keele. 19th April 2023.

6. Things to See and Do with Subgroups of the Holomorph (blackboard talk), invited talk; Vrije Universiteit Brussel. 18th January 2023.

5. The Holomorph of a C-group (blackboard talk), internal talk; University of Exeter, 13th September 2022.

4. Hopf-Galois Structures on Separable Field Extensions of Squarefree Degree (slides), British Early Career Mathematicians’ Colloquium 2022; University of Birmingham. 21st - 22nd July 2022.

3. Transitive Subgroups of the Holomorph (slides), The Algebra of the Yang-Baxter Equation; Bedlewo, Poland. 10th - 17th July 2022.

2. Hopf-Galois Structures on Separable Field Extensions of Degree pq (slides), Hopf Algebras and Galois Module Theory (online); Univeristy of Nebraska, Omaha, USA. 30th May - 3rd June 2022.

1. Transitive subgroups of the holomorph and Hopf-Galois structures on separable field extensions (slides), Braces in Bracelet Bay (online); Swansea University. 4th - 6th January 2022.