Hurricane Strike Damage Prediction Tool

You can make changes to the (yellow) inputs to see how sensitive damages are to differences in intensity and affected area:

(Refresh the page to reset to default settings)

Description: This tool generates hurricane strike damage predictions based on specified inputs. The baseline inputs are taken for Hurricane Michael [2018] NHC advisory 15. 12-hour forecast errors are taken to be equal to the 12-hour forecast cone. The uncertainty range is based on the 1 standard deviation model uncertainty. The underlying model was estimated on all U.S. hurricane landfalls for 1955-2015. The model implicitly assumes that geographical damage concentrations are constant across storms. The data, model, and methodology are described in: Martinez, Andrew B. (2020) "Forecast Accuracy Matters for Hurricane Damage", Econometrics, 8 (2) 18. This research was supported in part by the Robertson Foundation and is a part of the Climate Econometrics project at Nuffield College. The views expressed here are my own.