
My name is Andrew Ng-Lun. I'm an islander all the way from Mauritius who is now based in Toronto, Canada. My work is based on designing digital products for the web, iOS and Android. I also enjoy experimenting with other digital designs such as AR/VR, 3D modelings, and mobile development. 

Outside of work, you can find me adventuring on hikes or at sea or even playing football ("⚽️" not 🏈).


Recent Experience💻

UI/UX Developer

VeroSource Solutions Inc

Dec 2021 - Present


UI/UX Designer & Developer

Fresco Industries (GoodCodeClub)

Sept 2019 - Nov 2021

Education 🏫

Bachelor of Design (Digital Futures)

OCAD University

Sept 2017 - April 2021


Bachelor of Science (Interaction Design)

Malmö University

Exchange Program, Winter 2020

Awards 🎖

Recipient of The RBC Centre for Emerging Artists & Designers (CEAD)

RBC 2021 Career Launcher Fund Award

May 2021