
Driving Financial Success through Proactive Leadership.

Catalyzing change in our current financial enterprise is critical for a better future. Designing and implementing ethical systems ensure an equitable future. This can be achieved through thoughtful design and implementation of ethical systems that prioritize the well-being of all stakeholders, not just a select few. By creating a financial enterprise that operates with integrity, we can create a more equitable and prosperous future for all.

Insights into our Global Financial Enterprise

Modern Investing

Ponzi Schemes

Business Ethics

The Future of Sustainable Investment

The Power of Green Bonds

Insights into the increasing popularity of Green Bonds in Financial Markets. Wealth individuals are catching on to something the majority of the public does not know about. 

Green Bonds_Paper.docx
Final Project Slides

Teaching Business Ethics for NextGen

Universities must seek a way to teach the next generation of students how to identify Ponzi Schemes. Fraud is increasingly rampant, especially in our modern financial enterprise, and This report dives into a strategy that business schools can implement to equip their students with defense knowledge.

Zimbabwe Spiral into Hyperinflation

Hyper-Inflation in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe experienced hyperinflation between 2000-2009, causing its currency to become worthless. This was due to government corruption, land reforms, and war veterans' demands. The country abandoned its currency and adopted the US dollar, which stabilized its economy. However, the government continues to face challenges in addressing its high poverty and unemployment rates.


Individualism vs Collectivism for Economic Prosperity

An in-depth study on Global Corruption based on GLOBE and Hofstede's surveys of Individualism vs Collectivism.