Andrej Svorenčík


I'm a research fellow at the University of Pennsylvania and a member of the Penn Initiative for the Study Markets at Penn's Economics Department. 

I'm an associate member of the Walras-Pareto Centre for the History of Economic and Political

Thought at the University of Lausanne

Previously at the University of Mannheim, Econ Department & mLab, Duke's Center for the History of Political Economy

Google Scholar Profile, Paper pre-prints on SSRN

Follow me @Asvorencik

Member of the Prosopography Network, research affiliate of the Walras-Pareto Centre for the History of Economic and Political Thought

Check out my News, Bio, Education, Publications (articles), Books and chapters,  Awards & Honors, My worldwide list of Experimental Economics Labs (summer 2023 edition), Newton 1st edition Principia (1687) Census Project, Current Research Projects, IEA history project, Work in Progress, Keynotes, Upcoming/recent presentations, Past presentations, Collaborators, Teaching Experience, Professional Service,  last year's profile interview about one of my projects



Publications — peer-reviewed articles

Publications — books & chapters

Work in progress

Awards & Honors


Upcoming/recent presentations

Past presentations


Teaching Experience