Short CV

November 2022

Fields of interest

Input-Output and Computable General Equilibrium Analysis, Income inequality, Regional Economic Modelling.

Current position

Assistant Professor in Economics at the University of Oviedo (Spain) since December 2020


Ph. D. Economics, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) 2014

Doctoral Dissertation: Tourism and income distribution: General equilibrium models applied to the Galician economy. Cum laude and International mention.

M.Phil. Regional Economics, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) 2011

B.A. Economics, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) 2009

Research Stays

University degli studi di Salerno (Italy) – 3 months (2012)

Regional Economics Application Laboratory (REAL) - University of Illinois (USA) – 12 months (2015)

Global Economics and Management department - University of Groningen (The Netherlands) – 12 Months (2016) 


JCR journals


Industrial Embeddedness and Regional Economic Resistance in Europe, Economic Geography, (with Tasos Kitsos and Simone Grabner).


Income Interdependence in the UK Multi-Regional Economy: A Meso-Level Analysis, International Regional Science Review, (with Geoffrey J. D. Hewings).

Using the web to predict regional trade flows: data extraction, modelling, and validation, Annals of the American Association of Geographers, (with Emmanouil Tranos and George Willis).


Universities, students and regional economies: a symbiotic relationship?, Regional Studies, 1-17, (with Tasos Kitsos and Diana Gutierrez-Posada).

Revisiting the Temporal Leontief Inverse: New Insights on the Analysis of Regional Technological Change, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, (with André F. T. Avelino and Alberto Franco Solís).


The Evolution of Household-induced Value Chains and their Environmental Implications, Ecological Economics, 174, (with André F. T. Avelino and Alberto Franco Solís).

A bidimensional reformulation of location quotients for generating input–output tables, Spatial Economic Analysis. (with Xesús Pereira López and Melchor Fernández Fernández).

UK interregional inequality in a historical and international comparative context, National Institute Economic Review, 253,  August 2020, pp. R4-R17. (with Philip McCann, Raquel Ortega-Argilés and Andrés Rodríguez-Pose).


Income distributions in multi-sector analysis: Miyazawa’s fundamental equation of income formation revisited, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics. (with Bert Steenge and Mònica Serrano).


Rents, resources, and multiple technologies: Ricardian mechanisms in input-output modelling, Economic Systems Research. 31(3), 445-466. (with Bert Steenge and Maaike Bouwmeester).


Drivers of change in the European youth employment: a comparative structural decomposition analysis, Economic Systems Research. Volume 29, number 4, Pages 463-485.

Gray water and environmental externalities: International patterns of water pollution through a structural decomposition analysis, Journal of Cleaner Production. Volume 165, Pages 1174-1187. (with André F. T. Avelino and Alberto Franco Solís).


The economic impact of international students in a regional economy from a tourism perspective, Tourism Economics. Volume 22, Pages 125-140. (with Melchor Fernández Fernández and Xesús Pereira López).


Tourism and income distribution: Evidence from a developed regional economy, Tourism Management. Volume 48, Pages 11-20. (with Melchor Fernández Fernández).

Spillover effects of tourism consumption between Galicia and the rest of Spain, International Journal of Tourism Research. Volume 17, Pages 185-195. (with Melchor Fernández Fernández and Xesús Pereira López).

Other peer-reviewed journals


COVID-19 and its economic effects: supply chain disruptions and behavioural changes, Revista Galega de Economía, Volume 30, Pages 1-4. (with Esteban Fernández Vázquez and Mònica Serrano Gutiérrez).


¿Es posible aplicar el método RAS directamente sobre la inversa de Leontief?, Estadística Española. Volume 57, Pages 67-81. (with Xesús Pereira López and Xose Luis Quiñoá López).


El Plan E como estímulo fiscal: Evaluación de su efectividad en la creación y mantenimiento de empleo a escala provincial, Revista de Economía Laboral. Volume 11, Pages 1-23. (with Fernando Corbelle Cacabelos, Melchor Fernández Fernández and María del Carmen Vilariño López).

Rectangular Input-Output Models by Moore-Penrose inverse, Rect@. Volume 15, Pages 13-24. (with Xesús Pereira López and Melchor Fernández Fernández).


Advances in updating Input-Output tables: its relevance for the analysis of regional economies, Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. Volume 33, Pages. 3-12 (with Melchor Fernández Fernández and Xesús Pereira López).

Waste Generation from Inbound Tourism in Galicia, Revista Galega de Economía. Volume 22, Pages 31-49. (with Melchor Fernández Fernández and Xesús Pereira López).

Book chapters


Is It the End of World (Trade) as We Know It? Changes in Global Trade Patterns after the Outbreak of COVID-19, in A Triple Bottom Line Analysis of Global Consumption, Ed. Jenny Stanford Publishing. (with Esteban Fernândez Vázquez and Mònica Serrano).


Exploring the spatial link between tourism and construction: how touristic landmarks affect the second-home market in Spain, in Regional Science Perspectives on Tourism and Hospitality, Ed. Springer. (with Diana Gutierrez-Posada).


Introdución aos Modelos de Medición Macroeconómica, en Ferramentas para a Formulación e Avaliación de Proxectos, Pages 65 - 90. Ed. Lóstrego. (with Xesús Pereira López).

O modelo Input-Output na práctica: efectos macroeconómicos do consumo turístico en España, en Ferramentas para a Formulación e Avaliación de Proxectos, Pages 93 - 114. Ed. Lóstrego.


Impacto económico do turismo receptor através de modelos origem-destino: uma aplicaçao para a Galiza, en Modelos Operacionais de Economia Regional. Pages 99 - 119. Ed. Principia. (with Melchor Fernández Fernández and Xesús Pereira López).

Awards and prizes

2018 "Cuadrado Roura" Young Scientist award in the Spanish Regional Science Conference (AECR)

2015 Valentín Paz Andrade award to the best paper studying the Galician economy

2014 PhD dissertation award University of Santiago de Compostela 


Other merits

Teaching experience: 

2011-2012, Microeconomics II

2017-2018, Labour Economics and Principles of Economics.

2020-2021, Introduction to Macroeconomics and Introduction to Microeconomics. 

2021-2022, Introduction to Macroeconomics and Introduction to Economics

2022-2023, Introduction to Economics, Labour Economics and Economic Analysis for Business

2023-2024, Introduction to Macroeconomics and Labour Economics. 

Chair of the scientific committee of the 8th Spanish Conference on Input-Output Analysis (SHAIO) September 11th – 13th, 2019. 

Member of the scientific committee of the International Regional Studies Meeting (Reunión de Estudios Regionales) AECR from 2019 to 2022.

Member of the scientific committee in the 21th International Input-Output conference (IIOA) held in Kitakyushu (Japan) 2013.

Member of the organizing committee in the Workshop on measurement and Analysis of Tourism and the 3rd Workshop of the Spanish Input-Output association both held in Santiago de Compostela (Spain) in 2012. Member of the organizing committee of the SNAR (Seminar for New Academic Researchers) in the 2017, 2018 and 2019 editions held in Oviedo, Plasencia and Cuenca. 

Member of the Executive Board of the Spanish Regional Science Association (AECR) since July 2020.

Member of the European Organizing Committee (EOC) of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA) since January 2022 (term ends in December 2026).

Vice Dean for International Accreditations of the School of Economics and Business of the University of Oviedo since January 2022.

Editor of the International Input-Output Association (IIOA) newsletter since November 2020.

Associate Editor of the journals Regional Studies, Regional Science and Revista Galega de Economia. 

Referee for Economic Systems Research; Tourism Management; Tourism Geographies; Spatial Economic Analysis; Journal of Productivity Analysis; Investigaciones Regionales; Regional Studies; Regional Science, Policy and Practice; Empirical Economics, Land Use Policy; European Urban and Regional Studies; Area Development and Policy; and Journal of Environmental Management.