Andrea Xamo

Ph.D. Student in Economics - University of Verona

Welcome to my web page! I am a fourth-year Ph.D. Student at the University of Verona's Department of Economics. Since Spring 2023, I have also been a student representative for the Ph.D. School Board.

I am primarily interested in Economic History, Historical Political Economy, and International Trade. Under the supervision of Prof. Roberto Ricciuti and Prof. Roberto Bonfatti, my research focuses on the fiscal policy of Italian municipalities in the Liberal Era (1858-1913) and the economic effects of electrification in Italy between 1890 and 1920.

You can find the latest version of my CV here

If you are a fellow Ph.D. student or you have just completed your Ph.D., you might be interested in the Verona Early Career Workshop in Economics, that I organise with my colleague Giovanni Righetti.Â