Andreas Kornelakis


Welcome to the personal web page of Andreas Kornelakis (PhD).

I am a Reader (Associate Professor) in Comparative Management at King's Business School, King's College London. I received my PhD and MSc from the London School of Economics (LSE). In my research I apply a comparative and institutional perspective to study questions on topics of comparative management, HRM and employment relations.

I am an Associate Fellow of the Digital Futures at Work Research Centre, a Fellow of the Global Labor Organization and a Fellow of UK’s Higher Education Academy (AdvanceHE). I have been a visitor at several universities, for example, the University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies; the Whitaker Inistitute for Innovation and Societal Change, Galway; and the European University Institute, Florence. I have been a member of the Work Employment & Society Editorial Board and a Peer Review College Member of the British Academy of Management.

I have acted as an expert assessor for the European Commission, the British Council, the Economic and Social Research Council, and the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST). Past prizes, honours and distinctions include: Teaching Award Nominations (King's College London); Inspiring Leadership in Society Prize (NUI); the ‘Mike Rose’ Prize (WES) and the ‘Keith Thurley’ Prize (LSE). Prior to joining King's College London, I was a Lecturer at the University of Sussex Business Schoool, I taught at Goldsmiths, University of London, and I worked as a researcher in large EU-funded projects such as DYNAMO and RECWOWE,