
Università degli Studi di Brescia

  • 2022/2023: Algebra e geometria (Ingegneria informatica/Ingegneria elettronica e delle telecomunicazioni)

Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa

  • 2021/2022: Aritmetica delle curve ellittiche

  • Spring semester 2021/2022: Teaching assistant for the course Complementi di matematica (per matematici e fisici)

  • Spring semester 2020/2021: Teaching assistant for the course Complementi di matematica (per matematici e fisici)

Università degli Studi di Torino

  • Fall semester 2020/2021: Curve ellittiche (PhD course, joint with L. Capuano)

University of Cambridge

  • Easter term 2017/2018: Supervisor for the course Number Fields, Peterhouse College and Trinity College

  • Lent term 2017/2018: Supervisor for the course Number Fields, Peterhouse College and Trinity College

  • Michaelmas term 2017/2018: Supervisor for the course Number Theory, Peterhouse College and Trinity College

  • Michaelmas term 2016/2017: Supervisor for the course Number Theory, Peterhouse College and Trinity College

University of Zurich

  • Herbstsemester 2015/2016: Teaching assistant for the course “Lineare Algebra I”

  • Frühjahrssemester 2014/2015: Teaching assistant for the course “Number Theory”

  • Herbstsemester 2014/2015: “Algebraic curves over finite fields”

  • Frühjahrssemester 2013/2014: Teaching assistant for the course “Elliptische Kurven”

  • Herbstsemester 2013/2014: Teaching assistant for the course “Algebra I”

  • Frühjahrssemester 2012/2013: Teaching assistant for the course “Lineare Algebra II”

  • Herbstsemester 2012/2013: Teaching assistant for the course “Geometrie/Topologie”