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About me

Hello! I am a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow, working in the Department of Mathematical, Physical and Computer Sciences of the University of Parma, as part of the Research Group of Mathematical Physics. I am the Principal Investigator of the MesoCroMo project “A Mesoscopic approach to Cross-diffusion Modelling in population dynamics, funded by the EU's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme, under the grant agreement No. 101110920. My mentor is Maria Groppi.

At the Department, I co-organize the Mathematical Physics Seminars. Feel free to contact me if you wish to present your work to the group!

My scientific interests focus on the mathematical and numerical analysis of some kinetic and fluid nonlinear Partial Differential Equations arising from physics. On the one side, I am interested in the modeling of complex interacting systems via multi-species Boltzmann-like equations (with applications to gas mixtures, socio-epidemiological and population dynamics) and in the study of their diffusion limit counterparts (Maxwell-Stefan equations, reaction-diffusion equations). My main objective is to develop a uniform Cauchy theory and accurate asymptotic-preserving schemes to link the mesoscopic and macroscopic models in some suitable hydrodynamic limit. On the other side, I am concerned with the derivation and the simulation of shallow water-type equations for multi-layer fluids, to model the general behavior of large-scale phenomena like pyroclastic currents, debris flows and submarine landslides

You can find more details in my CV.


Project: A mesoscopic approach to cross-diffusion modelling in population dynamics (Principal Investigator, project No. 101110920, funded by the EU)

Mentor: Maria Groppi

Project: Kinetic models for socio-epidemiological interacting systems

Mentor: Mattia Zanella

Project: Asymptotic derivation of diffusion models for mixtures (Principal Investigator, project M-3007, funded by the FWF)

Mentor: Klemens Fellner

Project: Modeling and simulation of complex geophysical flows (project RHÉFLEXES, funded by the region Centre-Val de Loire)

Mentors: Laurence Girolami and François James


Thesis: Diffusion asymptotics of the Boltzmann equation for gaseous mixtures, mathematical and numerical analysis

Supervisors: Laurent Boudin and Bérénice Grec

Thesis: Mono-species and multi-species models for opinion dynamics

Supervisors: Laurent Boudin, Bérénice Grec and Giuseppe Toscani

Thesis: The Prime Number Theorem and the Riemann Hypothesis

Supervisor: Ludovico Pernazza


You can find me in my office 3.009 at the Department of Mathematical, Physical and Computer Sciences (Mathematics building)

You can write me at Campus Scienze e Tecnologie - Padiglione 21 - Plesso di Matematica, Parco Area delle Scienze 53/A, 43124 Parma

You can email me at andrea.bondesan@gmail.com

The value of a problem is not so

much in coming up with the answer,

as in the ideas and attempted ideas

it forces on the would-be solver. ”

Israel Nathan Herstein