
·     The Tripartite Auction Folk Theorem” with D. K. Levine and S. Modica, European Economic Review, 2024.

·     “Public versus Secret Voting in Committees” with M. Y. Nakaguma, Journal of the European Economic Association, 2022. Link to additional figures and appendices. Coverage on VoxEU.

·     Success in Contests” with D. K. Levine, Economic Theory, 2021.

·     “Trade Associations: Why Not Cartels?” with D. K. Levine and S. Modica, International Economic Review, 2021.

·      “Voter Turnout with Peer Punishment” with D. K. Levine, American Economic Review, 2020. Coverage on AER research highlights and EUI ideas.

·    The Right Type of Legislator: a Theory of Taxation and Representation” with E. Snowberg, Journal of Public Economics, 2018.

·    Mediocracy” with A. Merlo, Journal of Public Economics, 2015.

·    On the Nature of Competition in Alternative Electoral Systems” with M. Iaryczower, Journal of Politics, 2013.

·    The Pro-Competitive Effect of Campaign Limits in Non-Majoritarian Elections” with M. Iaryczower, Economic Theory, 2012.

·    Personal Influence:  Social Context and Political Competition” with A. Galeotti, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2011.

·    Quorum and Turnout in Referenda” with H. Herrera, Journal of the European Economic Association, 2010.

·    Policy Uncertainty, Electoral Securities and Redistribution” International Economic Review, 2010.

·    The Labor Market of Italian Politicians” with V. Galasso, M. Landi and A. Merlo, in The Ruling Class: Management and Politics in Modern Italy, Oxford University Press, 2010. 

Italian version Classe Dirigente: L'Intreccio tra Business e Politica, Egea, 2010.

·    Membership in Citizen Groups” with S. Barbieri, Games and Economic Behavior, 2009.

·    Can We Insure Against Political Uncertainty?” Public Choice, 2008. Coverage on Bloomberg Business Week.

·    “Many Enemies, Much Honor? On the Competitiveness of Elections in Proportional Representation Systems” with M. Iaryczower, in The Political Economy of Democracy, 2008.

·    Political Careers or Career Politicians?” with A. Merlo, Journal of Public Economics, 2008.

·    Voter Rationality and Democratic Government” with R. Kiewiet, Critical Review, 2008.

·    The Transparency of Politics and the Quality of Politicians” with A. Merlo, American Economic Review P&P, 2007.

·    Moving Skills from Hands to Heads” with G. Barba Navaretti and M. Galeotti, Research Policy, 2004.

Working Papers

·    Labor Associations: The Blue Wall of Silence” with D. K. Levine and S. Modica.

·    The Rise of Referendums" with G. Correa Lopera and A. Nicolo'

·    Polarization and Electoral Balance” with D. K. Levine.

·    Fact-Checking Politicians” with  S. Nocito and F. Sobbrio. Coverage on VoxEU

·    “How to Pick a Winner” with F. Michelucci.

·    Populism and War” with M. Morelli and M. Y. Nakaguma.

·      “The Fiscal Effects of Political Tenure” with A. Cintolesi and D. Iorio.

Work in Progress  

·    “Social Mechanisms and Political Economy” with D. K. Levine and S. Modica.

·    "The Selection and Election of Politicians" with T. Nannicini, M. Onorato and F. Trebbi.