Back Pain Treatment - Diagnostic Tests For Back Pain

If your physician determines that the clinical examination of your back pain has turned up something that merits confirmation or a better look, he can choose between a good range of diagnostic tests to be used individually or together with others - each will help him determine the simplest course of back pain clinic Phoenix AZ treatment for your specific condition.

Many of those back pain tests are noninvasive, meaning they are doing not involve needles or the other intrusion into your body, and that they present only a minimum of discomfort in exchange for the knowledge they supply . Most are avoidable unless your doctor is convinced that the potential findings would cause a special back pain treatment strategy.

Most Common Diagnostic Tests

The following are the foremost common diagnostic tests prescribed.

Radiography or X-Rays

X-ray images - more commonly called X-rays - are produced by a sort of radiation that's capable of penetrating the body and are the foremost commonly used method for taking a picture of what is deep inside without invasive technique.

Following clinical examination into the explanation for your back pain, your doctor might use "plain" X-rays to seem for fractures and tumors. Not great for viewing soft tissue like disks, they will reveal bone spurs which may be pinching a nerve, also as osteoporosis.

Also referred to as radiographs, X-ray images are analyzed by radiographers, who are experts at deciphering what only appear as shadows to the untrained eye. Myelograms, CT scans, and other diagnostic tests involve X-rays. Continuous X-ray images are often seen through an instrument referred to as a fluoroscope.


If the clinical examination indicates you would possibly be experiencing a pinched nerve, spinal stenosis, or another condition your doctor believes might require surgery as a neck pain clinic Phoenix AZ remedy, a myelogram could be ordered. Although this is often an invasive test which will be uncomfortable, it provides a really clear image and may reveal the extent, location, and nature of the difficulty .

For the myelogram, dye , which shows abreast of X-rays, is injected into the vertebral canal by means of a spinal puncture . (This same procedure is understood as a lumbar puncture , particularly when it's wont to withdraw, or "tap," cerebrospinal fluid for testing. Next, the patient lies face-down on a table that's slowly tilted back and forth to permit the dye to flow through the vertebral canal , outlining the medulla spinalis and nerve roots within the areas being studied. X-rays are taken from different angles. If dye isn't visible during a specific area, it'd indicate the medulla spinalis or nerve root is being pinched by a herniated disk or bone spur; or the presence of connective tissue , a tumor, or cyst.

Myelograms are often wiped out conjunction with CT scans because the dye produces a sharper CT scan image.

Determining the extent of your lower back pain [] and exactly where it originates is critical to making sure you get the proper treatment. choosing open spine surgery wouldn't really suit the condition if you were simply suffering with back muscle pain []. Visit Michelle's back blog today to urge the low down on the various sorts of back pain and their treatments.