
Useful links

Kansas State University:

K-State Spanish

Department of Modern Languages @ K-State

Linguistics Certificate

Kansas State University Teaching & Learning Center


The Aprendo project

Lecturer Page of the Spanish & Portuguese Department

Princeton Center for Language Study

Spanish & Portuguese Language Tables at Princeton University


Language Acquisition Research Center (LARC) at UMass Amherst

Cognitive Science Initiative at UMass Amherst

UMass Spanish & Portuguese Studies


New England Corpus of Heritage and Second Language Speakers

CHILDES Child Language Data Exchange System

El corpus del español

Corpus Oral y Sonoro del Español Rural (COSER)

Corpus de Referencia del Español Actual (CREA)

Corpus Diacrónico del Español (CORDE)

Columbia Corpus de Conversaciones para E/LE

Virginia Corpus of Spanish Variation

SLA and related linguistics resources:

OASIS: Open Accessible Summaries in Language Studies

We Teach Languages: A podcast about language teaching from the diverse perspectives of teachers

Multilingual Mamas: A podcast about raising multilingual children with interviews with experts in the fields of bilingualism, language acquisition, and sociolinguistics as well as other related fields.

Talkin' L2 with BVP: Archived podcast episodes designed for L2 language teachers hosted by the self-proclaimed Diva of SLA, Bill Van Patten.

ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines

Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning (COERLL) from The University of Texas at Austin

National Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations (NFMLTA)

Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) at University of Minnesota

Open Language Resource Center at University of Kansas

AAAL (American Association for Applied Linguistics)

AATSP (American Association for Teachers of Spanish & Portuguese)

The FLTMAG: A free magazine on technology integration in language teaching and learning

Technology for Language Teaching and Learning (TLTL)

TBLT Language Learning Task Bank from Indiana University

Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics (HLL) Virtual Colloquium

Linguistic Association of the Southwest (LASSO)

Resources for specifically for Spanish language content:


L'Academia de la Llingua Asturiana

Revista de filoloxía asturiana

L'asturianu n'EducasturTV

Traductor asturianu-español

Iniciativa pol asturianu