Here is a diverse collection of architectural design crafted by the talented members of DIG. 

BASIC Design


'MAJIME is a living space integrating the beauty of nature into a minimalistic design. This space serves the purpose of a living room and guest room where it can be used as a leisure space and enjoy the company of guests. The buffer space between the window and the wall creates a natural ventilation system creating an environment where cool air can stay in the room and hot air can travel through the opening. This system reduces the use of AC through passive cooling and also reduces CO2 emitted by an AC unit.

The use of plants further cool down the room due to their transpiration process. When the plants lose water during said process, it cools the air around the plants, leaving it purified and fresh. This makes the living room much more comfortable to relax in.

Design By Z.K


The Dancing Tower is a testament to innovation, conceived with a vision to create an iconic structure that goes beyond mere functionality. It represents a fusion of technology, aesthetics, and sustainability, offering a unique and unforgettable experience to both residents and visitors alike.

Design By A.D

One Quiet Afternoon: Serendipity

A home is not only a place where we live, but a reflection of our mind and vice versa. A space can inflict a certain image or feeling inside. Therefore, when creating a space, consideration of how it affects us matters.

Serendipity is a work inspired by mindfulness of mind. A space that is not only functional but also made to promote peace in one's soul. The minimalistic design creates a calm and soothing place to relax.

Design By Z.K

The O Pavilion

Unveil the beuty of connection in our parametric pavilion, a space that envolves with time. Technology and design unite to create a structure that's not just static, but alive.

Design By A.D

Parametric Installation

The art of Algorithm: Where dreams shape reality, discover the mesmerizing synegy of creativity and precision throught our parametric installation

Design By A.D

Parametric Urbanism: BSB Balikpapan

Proses perancangan arsitektural telah mengalami perkembangan signifikan, mulai dari metode manual hingga metode desain modern, bahkan sampai pada metode desain dengan menggunakan algoritma. Salah satu metode perancangan modern yang populer adalah metode parametric design.

Dalam rangka mendukung perkembangan konsep smart city, tim telah berhasil mengimplementasikan metode parametric design dalam level kawasan.

Design By A.D