Andean School of Holography

Third School of Holography and Entanglement Entropy 

The Andean School of Holography is a South American regional event that brings experts to pedagogically expose recent developments in holography, black holes, and gravitational theories. The event will be held in both online and in-person formats  at Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. This school is primarily intended for graduate and advanced undergraduate students, with the opportunity to participate in a poster session.  This event precedes the V Siembra-HoLAGrav Young Frontiers Meeting.

There is no financial support for this activity. Each participant needs to arrange their own flights, accommodation and meals. We encourage all participants to register online otherwise.

September 9th to 13th, 2024 

Deadline for in-person participation registration: July 31

Deadline for virtual participation registration: September 7