
How it Works


Anchored Christian Homeschool Co-op is parent led, parent taught and operated by parent volunteers.  Participating parents stay onsite while their children are in classes but won't necessarily be in their child's class.  To ensure that the co-op runs smoothly, parents will have a role to fulfill throughout the day.  Some examples include teaching a class, assisting in a class, setting up, being a hall monitor or cleaning. We also have opportunities to plan field trips, meet ups, events and parents' night out.  Our hope is to create a Christ centered community of homeschool families.

Daily Schedule

10am Chapel 

10:20am Class Block A

11am Snack/ Break

11:20am Class Block B

Noon Dismissal 


Starting in the Fall of 2024, we will meet on Thursdays. There are two terms per year and each term is 10 weeks. 


We offer educational enrichment classes, taught by co-op parent teachers. Class offerings will be based off of parent teachers' interest or willingness to teach. Some examples would be art, bible, STEM, life skills, clubs, food preservation, nature study, PE, theater, dance, choir, etc.

Our co-op classes are meant to supplement academic core subjects taught at home, not replace them. 

If you are interested in teaching, email us and we'll send you a Teacher Class Interest Form. We are so grateful for our parent teachers!


We are just getting started but are hoping to offer classes for ages 5 years old up to high school aged teens. We will have childcare classes for younger siblings aged 6 months - 4 years old. We ask that babies under 6 months old stay with their parent during the co-op day. 


There is a family membership fee per term and class material fees. There will also be a background check fee for participating parents. 

Interested in Joining?

Thank you for your interest in joining our co-op! We are passionate Jesus followers and our co-op is open to Christian families. We ask members to align with and sign our Statement of Faith at registration.  If this isn't a good fit, there are lots of co-ops and groups out there! If you are interested in learning more about Jesus and what it means to follow Him, feel free to email us and we would love to connect you with someone to talk to or give you resources. :) 

Our co-op is run by parent volunteers and we kindly ask that members be committed to attending the co-op weekly. If you foresee missing a few weeks, we ask that you please join us at another time.  We do understand that things come up and we will make a plan for those days.


Registration opens in the summer of 2024 and in the Winter of 2025. The registration process will include an application, aligning with and signing our Statement of Faith, a background check and attending Orientation. 

Next Steps

Please pray for us! This will be our first year of the co-op and we are truly seeking God's guidance, in all that we do.

Pray about joining our co-op. 

Pray about teaching a class.

Send us an email if you are interested or have any questions.

Thank you!

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