Church Staff

Lead Pastors EJ and Lacey Lamb

Pastor EJ first felt the call of God on his life at the age of twenty while at Barbourville Pentecostal Youth Camp. A year later, in 2001 he began working in youth ministry here at the Anchor, and by 2007, God had directed, and he stepped into full-time ministry as the Youth Pastor. In 2018, when Pastor Bill Lamb retired, EJ and Lacey stepped into the position of Senior Pastors of Anchor of Hope. They have always had a heart for the people of this church and surrounding community. It is their desire to see many get the help and hope they know can only come through Jesus! They enjoy life with their four children, Reese, Carter,Hudson and Stella.

Administrative Pastors/ Sunday School Superintendents Derek and Karen Pennington

Derek and Karen have served as Sunday School Superindentants since 2006 and Administrative Pastors since 2023. Their calling is to be a help and support to the Pastor and his family, and to the Church. To minister through serving and to ensure that the ministries within the Church are supported. "We understand the task that has been placed with us, to serve our Church family whom we love dearly. To support the many ministries God has placed in our care. To provide structure, to ensure Biblical principals are being followed in each of our ministries and to aid and assist in any way possible as we spread this gospel to the community. Whether it be through our various children's and adult ministries, our hope is that Christ be glorified in all we do!"

Derek and Karen have two children, Elijah, who serves in the Marine Corp and is stationed in North Carolina , and Alayna who sings in the 9am worship service and has a calling on her life for long term missions.

Youth Pastors Levi and Rae Rogers

Levi and Rachel are a newly wedded couple, they've had a passion for youth since before the official role was presented to them. Although they are young, and this is their first leadership role, they are holding onto God's promise that he will equip them to do his will. They were raised in different lifestyles so they feel they can offer multiple perspectives but are united with one goal. Their goal is to encourage, strengthen, and grow the youth's relationship with Christ. They recognize the darkness that is within the world, and realize the importance of training and equipping the next generation to have the resources and knowledge needed today.

Pastor Emeritus Bill And Norma Lamb

"Since January 11th, 1975 Norma and I served as senior pastor of Anchor of Hope Church. In February of 2018 the congregational installed our son Ethan (EJ) and wife Lacey as the new lead pastors with our blessing. After serving for 43 years I knew in my spirit it was time for a change and asked the board not to present me for the pastorate in 2018. The Board honored my request, and since I would still be serving in other capacities, gave me the honorable title of Pastor Emeritus. This title simply means Veteran Soldier. I trust that by God's grace I shall finish strong and fight the good fight of faith until the end. 

Norma and I now have the privilege and joy of sitting under our son and his wife. We see them being powerfully used of God in their new role and support them with our prayers, presence and counsel when requested. We are still involved in teaching. She is the Foundations Class teacher and I lead the Adult Bible Class. I continue to do a nursing home service in Lebanon, OH, sing for the congregation at Anchor of Hope, and assist Pastor EJ in whatever way needed. I am now able to visit some of my other "sons" in the faith from time to time who are pastoring, evangelizing, and doing the Lord's work in other places."