DNA Activation Troubleshooting

Signing in

Forgotten password

If you try creating an account and find that your email address is already registered, or if you’ve forgotten your password, try resetting your password.

Unknown username

If you don’t know your username, enter your email address in the username/email address field.

Shared email account

Every Ancestry® user must sign up using a different email address. If you share an email address with someone and your email address is already in use on Ancestry, you'll need to create another email address for free and use that to create your own Ancestry account.

Activation problems

Blank page or page error

If you see a blank page or an error on the page, try clearing your cache and cookies and try again.

Sent in a kit without activating it and threw away the activation code

The activation code is what connects a DNA test to an Ancestry account. If a test wasn’t activated and the code is permanently gone, we’ll need to send you another test. Contact us to request a free replacement kit.

Sent in a kit without activating it and still have the activation code

Even if you sent in your sample a while ago, you can still activate your kit. Click here for help activating.

Can’t find activation code

Activation codes have alternating letters and numbers in them and are printed on the side of the tube as well as on the instruction packet.

Activation code doesn’t work

Activation codes have alternating letters and numbers in them. If you’ve entered three letters or three numbers in a row, check the middle character. Make sure you don’t have the number “5” entered as the letter “S,” for example. If your activation code doesn't have 15 characters, make sure your DNA test is from Ancestry, not another company.

Activation code already in use

If your DNA results are ready and you're trying to access them, or if you're trying to check the status of your test, you do not need to enter your activation code again. Sign in to your Ancestry account, click your DNA tab, and select Your DNA Results Summary. You should see your results or your status there.

Invalid code

Activation codes have alternating letters and numbers in them. If you’ve entered three letters or three numbers in a row, check the middle character. Make sure you don’t have the number “5” entered as the letter “S,” for example. If your activation code doesn't have 15 characters, make sure your DNA test is from Ancestry, not another company.

Enter a birth year within the past 120 years

Make sure you’re entering only the year, not the day or month. Entering the day or month first can cause this message.

A button doesn’t work

If you’re unable to click buttons while activating a test, make sure there are no error messages on the page. If there are, re-enter your information. If there aren’t, try clearing your cache and cookies.

Changing information you entered when activating

To change your display name, date of birth, gender, or any other information you entered when activating, click the Settings button on your DNA homepage.

Problems with the kit

Blue solution doesn't release into bottom of container

Remove the cap and twist it on again tightly; repeat until the blue solution releases. If the blue solution spills out of the container completely, contact us to request a free replacement kit.

Lost plastic bag

Place the test in a Ziploc bag and place the bag in the return mailer.

Lost or damaged kit

If a test was lost or damaged, we’ll send you another one for free. Contact us to request a free replacement kit.

No activation confirmation email

If you didn’t receive an email after activating your test, make sure you completed the activation process. You can see if your test is activated by signing into your account and clicking the DNA tab. Click AncestryDNA® or Your DNA Results Summary. If the page displays a DNA ad and your name or username is in the top-right corner (showing that you’re signed in), your test may not have been activated; walk through the process again. If the page displays a status bar with the word activated highlighted, your test was activated successfully. Check the email address we have on file for you to make sure your email address is correct.