I've spent the last 3 years keeping my primary family tree on ancestry.com (posting all information from all sources there because I like their interface) and from time to time downloading the GEDCOM as a backup. I never actually opened it, I just trusted that it had all the information. It does not.

I called Ancestry.com support to ask them about getting a complete GEDCOM backup, and I was basically told that GEDCOM is "not their product (i.e. they didn't invent it)" and that it is "not supported" and pretty much just told to search ancestry support forums and groups for help with GEDCOM. They also told me that I could manually enter the missing people into my other software if I wanted. I have almost a thousand people in my tree. The thought of manually going through and matching up the missing people sounds daunting, and defeats the purpose of backing up my ancestry.com tree.

Ancestry Download Gedcom

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I could be wrong, but so far the only software I found that will connect to Ancestry.com and download a tree is Family Tree Maker, which is no longer an ancestry.com product - but it can be purchased from a separate company for $69. I was able to find an online coupon for $40 off, so I got it for $29 and used it to download my tree. As far as I can tell, I don't yet see any missing people. I just didn't want all my years' work only on ancestry.com - I wanted a backup.

TL;DR: GEDCOM Download from Ancestry.com has serious issues (missing people) and shouldn't be relied upon for backup of your data. Ancestry.com support no help. Family Tree Maker software (originally an ancestry.com product but they discontinued it) can still be purchased from a third party (find a coupon!) to download data, and so far I don't see any missing people.

No is the answer. The tree downloaded is still present. I just did it.

 Ancestry.com has changed without notice and no longer shows names in Public trees that are not connected to online sources, such as a Census record. I have 11 trees that the just deleted from the search engine after the Oct 2 search update. So if you upload a GEDCOM to ancestery, it will disappear and can not be seen by anyone except you. This is contrary to the method used since the beginning that trees are entered into the search, with or without recordes attached which is a new ancestry change with the hints. So if you have all these attached records to your online tree, these records which they require will be lost in the GEDCOM as their is not element in the GEDCOM formate or records. That is why sourcing is part of the GEDCOM format.

what is the best free or least expensive family tree program to download my ancestry.com tree? I have a lot of work over the years in it and I would like to have a whole tree to view all the documents and photos as well, without paying for it anymore.

How do I save all my photos, documents etc to my PC from my ancestry.com file I did save my GED file, but as you mentioned it does not save the photos or Date. I would like to save the Data to my PC/Hard drive. Any info on how to save this would be appreciated.

You can use Family Tree Maker (not necessarily the latest version, the previous one, FTM2017, works perfectly too) but also RootsMagic. RM is more difficult to use than FTM, but the gedcom that are exported are better for import into TNG. An FTM gedcom needs to be modified (there's a mod for that) to be able to correctly import.

If you would insert media files as a binary code into a gedcom, it will become impossible to manage or read without importing it first into a program that can read it. As you said yourself, almost NO genealogy program accepts binary media in the gedcom, and gedcom itself has abandoned it in the first update following the release of version 5.5 (from Wikipedia: Support for embedding media directly was dropped in the draft 5.5.1 standard).

I said ALMOST no genealogy program. If TNG accepts it, that's great, nobody knew. But it's useless for importing, as you need a gedcom that contains media and that's ALMOST impossible to get as ALMOST no other program exports it that way. Same for exporting: great if TNG can do that, nobody knew. But it's useless as ALMOST no other application will be able to read the gedcom.

I always get the last word, I did admit I didn't know that TNG - as one of the only applications around - supports binary inclusion of media files, and I do still maintain that it's a useless function as almost no other app supports it, even the last gedcom standard doesn't use it, and almost nobody knows about it (which is logical, as it is not used anywhere).

Ask 100 genealogists if a gedcom contains media files, and 99 will say it doesn't. And it doesn't. It can, apparently, contain binary code which could be "reconstructed" into a media file, but not the actual file itself.

Yep, I managed to synch my ancestry tree with Family Tree Maker on my laptop. All the media files got copied to a local folder as part of this synch, so I was then able to FTP the entire contents of this folder to my TNG site. As the references to individual files were in the GEDCOM, all the links to individuals remained, however TNG did redirect some of the links from the photos subfolder to documents, histories, headstones photo's etc. This tended to be based on the file extensions of the attachents (.jpg, .pdf, .docx etc.), but was easy to re-organise.

I created a .ged file from RM8 and uploaded it to MyHeritage. I received an error message and the upload was cancelled (tried this many times). I then created a gedcom file from Ancestry. This file was uploaded to MyHeritage successfully.

Just this minute tried an import from my new RM7 database, received an error message but the import seemed to work fine. I then created a gedcom file and this time successfully created a 40.6 MB file.

There were 5 events that in the source gedcom were given as 1 BIRT Y with no subordinate records. Gramps apparently rejected these as "events were referenced, but not found". They are valid according to the GEDCOM specification, but quite redundant since all they say is that the person was born.

Select Notes under the navigator. For each individual, family or source object a note will be created listing all the gedcom problems for that object, starting with the text "Records not imported into ..." . Scroll down to these lines (ensure pages are sorted by Preview. Alternatively, create a suitable filter: enter "^Records not imported into" into the text box (without the quotes), enable "Use regular expressions" and click Find.

I have trees on several sites since I'm able to get different information from each one, and my MyHeritage tree has lots of information that Ancestry doesn't have. I exported a gedcom file from MyHeritage with no problem. I did the research, so I trust the information in the file. It's a lot, so entering it manually would probably take a long time. I was able to import the file and compare it with my tree on FamilySearch, but I can't seem to find a way to do that on Ancestry. I looked around and did find a way to upload a gedcom, but it look like it creates a new tree, which isn't what I want. Is there a way to import the gedcom file from MyHeritage into my existing tree on Ancestry?

I have downloaded my Ancestry gedcom into my 2015 Heredis software. All the names are there on a side list, but do not appear on the tree. Seems to be a lot of missing data. I tried twice but same result.

I just created gedcom file from ancestry.com and imported it to Heredis 2015 for MAC. It was my understanding that all media (source data, photos etc.) would be included in this import. But, none of the photos or actual source documents are not there.. When I access the index for media in Heredis, the files have Xs through them. I tried following instructions in Heredis user guide but it did not work. My directory indicates that only 1 gedcom file is present, and no other accompanying file with data. Can you help?

You can now synchronise your tree with Ancestry without the gedcom step once you've loaded and linked your tree. FTM is ok- as it's web based it can be a bit slow to load but it's still good value and has features I value.

Every thing I needed to do to replace my gedcom on FTDNA seems to be working perfectly. In fact, it has been uploading over 10 hours at this point. I have gigabit broadband and my modem and router are upgraded to the latest ISO standard. It only took a few seconds to create the gedcom from the FTM tree. Is this upload time unusual? ff782bc1db

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