Registration Now Open

Register for ANBOC: Play Your Part now.

Join us for 4 days of clinics, concerts, and shop-talk! For a full list of registration opportunities, please see below.


ABODA Victoria is happy to provide invoices to schools or individuals, or those needing to include a purchase order number. Please book via TryBooking and use the code ABODAINVOICE at checkout. Ticket price will then drop to $0 and an invoice will be issued manually. PO numbers can be emailed through. Spots will only be secured once payment has been made.

Registration Fees:

Conference Registration

Attendees will have full access to all events during the conference day. Thursday 1:30 PM - 7:00 PM; Friday/Saturday 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM; 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

ANBOC Conducting Symposium

Please see the Conducting Symposium page for further details about this experience.

ANBOC Social Event

Friday night of the conference will feature a social event at a nearby establishment. Attendees are invited to enjoy canapés, drinks, and good shop talk. The registration cost for this secures your spot and will include canapés with the cost.