Registration Now Open
Register for ANBOC: Play Your Part now.
Join us for 4 days of clinics, concerts, and shop-talk! For a full list of registration opportunities, please see below.
ABODA Victoria is happy to provide invoices to schools or individuals, or those needing to include a purchase order number. Please book via TryBooking and use the code ABODAINVOICE at checkout. Ticket price will then drop to $0 and an invoice will be issued manually. PO numbers can be emailed through. Spots will only be secured once payment has been made.
Registration Fees:
Conference Registration
Attendees will have full access to all events during the conference day. Thursday 1:30 PM - 7:00 PM; Friday/Saturday 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM; 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Early-Bird: $490
Full-Registration: $530
Student: $250
ABODA Vic members will have access to Early-Bird price for the entirety of registration. Please check your emails for a discount code if registering after Early-Bird.
ANBOC Conducting Symposium
Please see the Conducting Symposium page for further details about this experience.
Advanced Conducting Track: $195 - This track is intended for experienced conductors and will feature music from a Grade 4-6 standard. This track is limited to 8 participants.
Developing Conducting Track: $125 - This track is conductors of all experience levels and will feature music from a Grade 0.5 - 3 standard. This track is limited to 15 participants.
Conducting Lesson: $50 - All attendees are invited to sign-up for a 30-minute conducting lesson with one of our expert conducting tutors.
ANBOC Social Event
Friday night of the conference will feature a social event at a nearby establishment. Attendees are invited to enjoy canapés, drinks, and good shop talk. The registration cost for this secures your spot and will include canapés with the cost.
ABODA Vic Members are able to attend this event for free. Please check your emails for the discount code.