ANB Values


Creating an ecosystem that encourages and supports all developers and the working community who wanted to engage in blockchain technology. Access Next Blockchain will be everyone's access to the road of cryptocurrency wherein it will become its backbone for development and learning at the same time easy access for decentralized finance, exchanges and so on that could elevate the financial status quo of the people.


ANB envision to be the next blockchain of the future that will open opportunities to worldwide developers and working community, providing lesser-gas fees that potentially give an edge to blockchain technology at the same time supporting the talents and ideas coupled with educating the public about cryptocurrency mining and staking and its bright future ahead. Access Next Blockchain also envisions building blockchain scholars in support of its advocacy.


Reaching the Community

Giving the community the lowest gas fees. This means that an opportunity is open to those who wanted to learn smart contract development and building cryptocurrency projects. Compare to other Blockchain like Ethereum, the gas fees for contract deployment are high in the range that middle-class developers who wanted to learn cannot invest. Therefore, Access Next Blockchain will support especially the middle community and those individuals who wanted to learn blockchain technology.

Developers Support

The biggest draw of ANB blockchain is the low fees to some exchanges at the same time low gas fees to deploy the contract. This advantage of ANB will help those developers who are just starting their journey in blockchain technology. Supporting the mission of educating the public about the bright future of blockchain and cryptocurrency.


Proof of Authority is an advance stage, or superior modification of Prof of Stake which is bit old concept now a days, brings in decentralization and community involvement. The Proof-Of-Authority (PoA) is a consensus method that gives a small and designated number of blockchain actors the power to validate transactions or interactions with the network and to update its distributed registry.

  • Token holders, including the validators, can put their tokens "bonded" into the stake. Token holders can delegate their tokens onto any validator or validator candidate, to when a token holder reaches 1000 ANB expect it can become an actual validator.

  • All validator candidates that reach 1000ANB are real validators and can be part of shareholders by the number of bonded tokens on them.

  • 50% of the token will be put as a reward to support the community and the project development.

  • There is no un-bonding period for Access Next Blockchain will be open to developers to support them making projects with the lowest gas fee.

  • Reward System is also given to Working Community giving a free airdrop encourage everyone so they can reach their full potential on learning blockchain and cryptocurrency.


A validator is required to secure the ANB network. Anyone can be a candidate for election as a validator, but only those who will qualify to the ANB Governance staking rule of holding 1000 ANB coin for 25 validating standing. This means that to become a validator a holder must have 1000 ANB coins.


Staking involves ANB holders placing their "bonded" tokens in a staking pool. Staking takes 1000ANB minimum to determine a validator. A holder can only stakes if it holds a minimum of 1000 ANB coins and stake it may qualify as a validator.

With smart contracts, however, ANB has a flexible system to increase the ways of offering rewards through different programs.

Ex. rewards for:

1. Staking Wallet

2. Operating a Node

3. Market Making

4. Running a Certain type of dAPP

5. No limits of possibilities.

Therefore, ANB has endless possibilities of building different staking reward programs in the future that holders would enjoy.

Staking has a lot of possible ways in terms of giving rewards, hence ANB planning to implement different staking reward programs gradually. Thus, holders will enjoy and have a lot of benefits to grow their assets.

ANB implements its staking logic on its network. This means that token bonding or delegation happens within the ANB chain.