The Task Scheduler enables you to automatically perform routine tasks on a chosen computer. The Task Scheduler does so by monitoring whatever criteria you choose (referred to as triggers) and then executing the tasks when those criteria are met.

Some examples of tasks that you can use the Task Scheduler to execute are: starting an application; sending an email message; or displaying a message box. You can schedule a task to execute in response to these triggers:

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When a task is created, it is stored in a task folder. Task folders can be accessed through the ITaskFolder interface (TaskFolder for scripting), and tasks can be accessed through the IRegisteredTask interface (RegisteredTask for scripting) when they are created. You can change access control lists (ACLs) for tasks and task folders in order to grant or deny certain users and groups access to a task or task folder. This can be done by using the IRegisteredTask::SetSecurityDescriptor method, the ITaskFolder::SetSecurityDescriptor method, or by specifying a security descriptor when a task is registered by using the RegisterTaskDefinition or RegisterTask method.

Settings: These are the settings that the Task Scheduler uses to run the task with respect to conditions that are external to the task itself. For example, these settings can specify the priority of the task with respect to other tasks, whether multiple instances of the task can be run, how the task is handled when the computer is in an idle condition, and other conditions.

Starting with Task Scheduler 2.0, the ITaskService interface (TaskService for scripting) is used as a starting point to create tasks in specified folders. The ITaskDefinition interface (TaskDefinition for scripting) is used to hold all the components of a task, such as the settings, actions, and triggers. The ITaskTrigger, IAction, and ITaskSettings APIs provide properties that are then used to define the other components of the task. Task Scheduler 1.0 provides the ITask interface, which is supported only for backward compatibility.

For a Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, or Windows 2000 computer to create, monitor, or control tasks on a Windows Vista computer, the following operations should be completed on the Windows Vista computer, and the user who is calling the ITaskScheduler::SetTargetComputer method must be a member of the Administrators group on the remote Windows Vista computer.

The only problem is: "Node is Warning. Windows Scheduled Tasks 'Windows Scheduled Tasks' has state: Warning. "

I disabled the task with the error. but the node is still in warning. Since this is not an alert, where can I configure this check that it does not check disabled tasks?

I guess this has to be done in the SAM templates? In the "Windows Scheduled Tasks Template" I find the "Windows Scheduled Tasks Component Monitor"- And here I'm stuck. I dont find how work with that any further, so I could configure that tasks that are disabled cant produce a warning regardless of their outcome/state.

Disabled tasks should not report a failure unless their last execution failed. If you don't want certain tasked monitored by SAM's Windows Scheduled Task Monitor, you will need to move those tasks to a seperate subfolder outside of the root.

I had the same problem, and my custom tasks only showed up if I navigated to Task Scheduler via the method above. If I did Start > Right-click on Computer > Manage > Task Scheduler then they would not show up.

In the Task Scheduler if the line "Task Scheduler (Local)" is selected, you won't see your custom tasks. Select "Task Scheduler Library" (not the plus sign, the words themselves) and you will see your custom tasks.

The My tasks section of the Tasks app will be in sync with the To Do app, but there are things you can do to your tasks, and ways you can interact with them, that are available in one app or the other. The following list breaks down what you can do where.

The Shared plans section of the Tasks app will be in sync with Planner, but there are things you can do to your tasks, and ways you can interact with them, that are available in one app or the other. The following list breaks down what you can do where.

A unique feature of the Tasks app how it displays tasks and information associated with them in rows and columns. This is called List view, and allows you to change many tasks at once, which wasn't as possible in either To Do or Planner before. It also allows you to filter your tasks, which wasn't available to To Do previously.

Above the tasks list, on the left, choose Progress, Priority, or Due date and choose an option. You can also choose More options and then select Delete, Move task., or more. Options can vary depending on the list you're viewing.

You can filter My tasks lists by due date and priority, and Shared plan can additionally be filtered by label, bucket, and assignment. Use these filters to find tasks, or to scope your view to more easily select a group of tasks to change.

Windows offers lots of ways to minimize distractions so it's easier to focus on tasks. You can declutter your taskbar and simplify the Start menu, use Focus assist to manage your notifications, and use the Immersive Reader to minimize visual distractions when reading a web page in Microsoft Edge.

Lots of tools exist to automate tasks like linting, building, packaging, testing, or deploying software systems. Examples include the TypeScript Compiler, linters like ESLint and TSLint as well as build systems like Make, Ant, Gulp, Jake, Rake, and MSBuild.

These tools are mostly run from the command line and automate jobs inside and outside the inner software development loop (edit, compile, test, and debug). Given their importance in the development life cycle, it is helpful to be able to run tools and analyze their results from within VS Code. Tasks in VS Code can be configured to run scripts and start processes so that many of these existing tools can be used from within VS Code without having to enter a command line or write new code. Workspace or folder specific tasks are configured from the tasks.json file in the .vscode folder for a workspace.

VS Code currently auto-detects tasks for the following systems: Gulp, Grunt, Jake, and npm. We are working with the corresponding extension authors to add support for Maven and the C# dotnet command as well. If you develop a JavaScript application using Node.js as the runtime, you usually have a package.json file describing your dependencies and the scripts to run. If you have cloned the eslint-starter example, then executing Run Tasks from the global menu shows the following list:

Not all tasks or scripts can be auto-detected in your workspace. Sometimes it is necessary to define your own custom tasks. Assume you have a script to run your tests in order to set up some environment correctly. The script is stored in a script folder inside your workspace and named for Linux and macOS and test.cmd for Windows. Run Configure Tasks from the global Terminal menu and select the Create tasks.json file from template entry. This opens the following picker:

Note: If you don't see the list of task runner templates, you may already have a tasks.json file in your folder and its contents will be open in the editor. Close the file and either delete or rename it for this example.

We are working on more auto-detection support, so this list will get smaller and smaller in the future. Since we want to write our own custom task, select Others from the list. This opens the tasks.json file with a task skeleton. Replace the contents with the following:

You can also compose tasks out of simpler tasks with the dependsOn property. For example, if you have a workspace with a client and server folder and both contain a build script, you can create a task that starts both build scripts in separate terminals. If you list more than one task in the dependsOn property, they are executed in parallel by default.

If you specify "dependsOrder": "sequence", then your task dependencies are executed in the order they are listed in dependsOn. Any background/watch tasks used in dependsOn with "dependsOrder": "sequence" must have a problem matcher that tracks when they are "done". The following task runs task Two, task Three, and then task One.

You can create user level tasks that are not tied to a specific workspace or folder using the Tasks: Open User Tasks command. Only shell and process tasks can be used here since other task types require workspace information.

Sometimes you want to control how the Integrated Terminal panel behaves when running tasks. For instance, you may want to maximize editor space and only look at task output if you think there is a problem. The behavior of the terminal can be controlled using the presentation property of a task. It offers the following properties:

You can modify the terminal panel behavior for auto-detected tasks as well. For example, if you want to change the output behavior for the npm: run lint from the ESLint example from above, add the presentation property to it:

You can also mix custom tasks with configurations for detected tasks. A tasks.json that configures the npm: run lint task and adds a custom Run Test tasks looks like this:

As mentioned above, you can customize auto-detected tasks in the tasks.json file. You usually do so to modify presentation properties or to attach a problem matcher to scan the task's output for errors and warnings. You can customize a task directly from the Run Task list by pressing the gear icon to the right to insert the corresponding task reference into the tasks.json file. Assume you have the following Gulp file to lint JavaScript files using ESLint (the file is taken from -eslint): ff782bc1db

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