Mods at the top of the list are loaded first. They are considered higher in the mod load order. Some mods will say they require to be the highest mod, or at the top of the load order. On the other hand, mods at the bottom of the list are loaded last. They are considered lower in the mod load order. Some mods will require to be the lowest mod, or at the bottom of the load order.

NOTE: I have added some mods in bold, these mods are optional and I will tell you what to remove instead of it if there are compatibility issues. This makes the load order more modular for people that want to add/replace some of the more popular mods. This list can be confusing, so I've added my own load order at the bottom.

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This load order can be configured by its default or by replacing/adding many mods which enhance your favorite type of playthrough. Texture mods in the skin mesh/texture section and the general mesh/texture section can easily be removed to get more space, better performance and to allow graphical tuning to your preference.

The Great Forest Of Whiterun Hold Added here because I know some people just love forests, but it's also very heavy and can cause various clipping issues due to the many world placement mods used in this load order. Use with caution

Graphic Pack, Noble, Dark Ages, Tamriel Reloaded, SMIM add-ons and other architecture/landscape overhauls go here Remove Skyland all-in-one and its patch, also remove Divine SMIM if you use a SMIM add-on matching a texture pack

Recently i have noticed several people asking questions about the template most people on this sub use for their own load orders- the logical load order. For me this is the best template to use, but it can be very confusing to understand, especially for someone new to modding. I've decided to explain the logical load order by breaking down each section, giving examples and other helpful tips.

Some mods cause issues no matter where you put them. This can be due to them being a WiP, a dirty mod, or conflicts with another mod. I recommend reading into each and every mod you use to ensure no conflicts. Vice versa, some mods can go anywhere in your load order and not cause any issues. Bear this in mind.

Any mod that changes loading screens, menus, fonts, or the ingame hud should go in this section. Examples include 60 fps menus- natural interface and Skyhud. NOTE that map mods do not go in this section- they go a lot lower.

The biggest section of your load order most likely. Anything that changes a vanilla texture goes here. Whether it be weapons or armor, a huge overhaul like Skyland or Noble, or a simple barrell replacer, they should all go here. Remember here, the mod lower down takes priority, so if you have two mods that change the same thing, the bottom one will take priority and will change the item.

Any mod that adds small items to lots of places in skyrim should go here. Mods like lampposts of skyrim, unique bridges, divine forests and point the way are examples. NOTE any mod that adds anything bigger to multiple locations that aren't lampposts, lanterns, trees, signs, bridges etc shouldnt go here: they go lower.

Mainly, because for some reason LOOT groups don't seem to work for me and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. For example: I want to group all JKs interior mods together to declutter my LO a little since LOOT doesn't seem to care (even with custom metadata) and just throws most of those in the list seemingly without any order. Creating a group and placing it before groups which would contain lighting patches for Lux doesn't work and LOOT also doesn't give any info as to why despite telling me with its "couldn't sort" warning about a "General Informations" tab which doesn't exist. And I'm also sometimes encountering another issue where I locked the LO of the first say 50 manually sorted plugins in MO2 but then sorting with LOOT places some mods in between those locked mods for some reason.

Once you have your LO, you can grab %LocalAppData%\ModOrganizer\{InstanceName}\profiles\{ProfileName}\loadorder.txt as a reference (save it as another file name). Then sort with LOOT and check that file again and compare the diff in WinMerge. Then use LOOT rules to set changes to LOOT behavior such that LOOT sorts with your key prioritizations.

I think the conflict you are running into is that you either use LOOT to sort your load order or you follow the method and never use LOOT for any reason. I think you're on the right track by grouping e.g. all of the JK interior mods together and then ordering the mods within each "group" to resolve as many conflicts as possible. The elephant in the room (so to speak) is that you never start the method with 875 mods in your load order because you'll just get lost and can't figure out what to do next. The method recommends going through the initial pass with nothing more than the base game DLCs and Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch and add one mod at a time. You'll also need to create a mod group after creating each patch to assert you have viewed and resolved all conflicts with plugins in this mod group and this generally means you'll end up with a lot of small(ish) patches instead of one big patch.

Setting the right load order for your TES III: Morrowind, TES IV: Oblivion, Nehrim: At Fate's Edge, TES V: Skyrim, TES V: Skyrim Special Edition, TES V: Skyrim VR, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4 and Fallout 4 VR mods is a crucial step to enjoying a stable modded game. The Load Order Optimisation Tool (LOOT) can help with that, by providing automated load order sorting that's simple to use and fully customisable.

While sorting, LOOT checks for load order errors (such as incompatibilities and missing requirements) and notifies you of any issues that it detects. It also provides thousands of plugin-specific messages, such as usage notes and bug warnings, to help keep your game healthy.

Hi, I'm playing Special Edition on the Xbox One, my character is Lv40, and the USSEP has been installed from the beginning of the game. Yesterday when starting the game I got a message that the game needed to install a 6.8gb update to continue, and even though that didn't make any sense to me, I'd gotten a similar message a few weeks back, and while it was a pain to sit through, the earlier "update" didn't have any negative effect on my game, so I went for it. After yesterday's "update", however, although the USSEP was still in my library and enabled, it was no longer in my load order (BTW, the only other mod I'm using is Gildergreen Restored). I uninstalled and reinstalled both mods, and eventually uninstalled and reinstalled the game itself, but in the end only Gildergreen Restored shows up in the load order. However, everything that the USSEP addresses that I could check was still in full effect. It's like the ONLY thing affected is its listing in the load order, but the content is still fully installed. I checked online and could only find one Reddit thread with a similar issue, with no replies. What's going on? And how big a problem might it be?

Thanks for answering this question. I am playing on PC through Steam and had the same issue. I could not get my game to start yesterday so I uninstalled all mods and could not get a new game to start. I uninstalled Skyrim and reinstalled today, can get into a new game now but USSEP still is not showing in the load order. I will take your advice and wait it out although I am not too happy with Bethesda right now, I have over a hundred mods I like to use and in Steam it takes a long time to reorganize the load order (I do it manually as the mod organizers I have tried did not work well for me and often would crash my game so I learned how to organize them manually and it has been working great for the past several years). BTW Arthmoor, you are by far one of my favorite mod people in the game. Thanks for all you do to make my game time more enjoyable. I would love to learn how to mod myself even though I am closer to 70 than 20 years old. BTW, I submitted an issue before I joined this community and saw that the issue is already being addressed. You can delete my issue email. Thanks.

After I did the update on my XBOX, USSEP disappeared from the load order. Also, Sounds of Skyrim no longer shows. 

The various town mods, and cutting room floor, point the way, bring out your dead all seem to be working. 

I did notice that farming leaping salmon now leads to separated roe and salmon meat, just like in an unpatched game.

While waiting for the fix I decided to revisit Oblivion. Been uploading some new mods to Oblivion (which I also have on Steam) and when I went back on Steam a few minutes ago (apx 1:30 PM Mountain Time), Skyrim SE had an auto update. I tried getting into it but could not...I hate to admit but I messed around with the files so much on Saturday I may have accidentally messed with something I should not. Anyway, I uninstalled Skyrim once again and currently have started reinstalling it through Steam. Could someone confirm if this update that just happened fixed the USSEP issue? I was on Steam working with Oblivion about 10 before and there was no update at that time. I got out of Steam for less than 2 minutes so I could clean up my computer's junk files, then went back in and this is when the Skyrim update happened, less that 15 minutes ago.

Just following up. I had no problem downloading the Bethesda fix for the disappearing mod issue, and no problem downloading the USSEP update immediately thereafter. Adjusted my load order, and I was good to go. I sure wish Bethesda would announce this stuff in places other than their Discord, but I'm glad for this forum and the Reddit Skyrim Mods Xbox, which together did a great job of clueing me in to what was what. be457b7860

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